6.1 Data control settings


Setting [Action when image scan complete]

Show CardMinder window

Displays the result of character recognition after scanning the business card.

Export Business Card data automatically

The recognized data is immediately saved without displaying the recog- nized result. This is not recommended because a wrong name or company can enter your database.

Setting [CardMinder Viewer]

Hot key

A Hot key to activate searching after selecting a keyword displayed in other application software is specified by entering the key name in the col- umn.

Specifiable key name is one of the keys, [A] to [Z], [0] to [9], [F1] to [F12]. Also, the key(s) of [Ctrl], [Shift], [Alt] must appear in the beginning. These keys can be set:

[Ctrl]+[A], [Shift]+[Alt]+[0], [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Alt]+[F1] These keys cannot be set:

[9]+[F12], [Ctrl]+[Shift]


This box is checked as default. When checked, the Finder window appears even if the searching does not succeed. In this case no image is shown on Finder window. But you can enter a keyword in [Search Text] column, and continue searching.

Setting [Database]

Database file

The database file folder (Full path) of CardMinder can be specified using this setting.

When [Browse] is clicked, you can specify the Data save folder in the [Browse for Folder] dialog box.

As a default, CardMinder saves data to the C: drive. This setting may be

useful when C: drive is nearly full and data saving to another drive is required.

Default setting of the folder is,

C:\Documents and Settings\<- Log-in User name->\Application Data\PFU\CardMinder\ENTRY\ENTRYDB.BID

, where <- Log-in User name-> is defined by your network system.


Preferences Setting

CardMinder ScanSnap! User’s Guide