42 Chapter 4. Using the Generator Command
The generator outputs the following files:
• Adapter class source file
• Generation name management file
• Method name cross-reference list file
Adapter Class Source File
The adapter class source file corresponding to the specified Java class or interface is
generated. If the specified class or interface refers to other classes or interfaces, the
adapter classes corresponding those classes or interfaces are also generated. This
processing is recursive until the following conditions are met:
• No other classes or interfaces are referenced.
• Adapter classes corresponding to the referenced classes or interfaces have all
been generated.
• A source file with the same name already exists in the output destination while
overwriting is not specified.
The name of a generated source file is created from the class name or interface
name qualified by the package name according to the following rules:
• Period and dollar are converted into hyphen.
• The extension is fixed to "
When the java2cob command is executed, the names of the adapter classes being
generated are displayed.