78 Chapter 6. Messages
The current thread could not be connected to Java VM.
Check whether the program properly invokes the JVM-ATTACH method.
The current thread could not be disconnected from Java VM.
Check whether the program properly invokes the JVM-DETACH method.
The adapter class generated by the J adapter class generator contains a
Java class name in invalid format. Contact the J adapter class generator
The J adapter class generator failed. Collect failure information and call your
Fujitsu systems engineer.
A same name is used for a parent and its child in the Java class/interface
definition. Use different names for the parent and child.
The Java class/interface definition contains an error. Check the Java
A required Java class/interface definition is not found. Check the
environment variable (COBJNI_CLASSPATH).
No Java class/interface is found on the search path. Check whether the value of
the environment variable (COBJNI_CLASSPATH) is valid.
A memory space shortage occurred. Increase the values of environment
A memory space shortage occurred in the Java VM. Increase the values of
environment variables (COBJNI_MAX_NSTACK, COBJNI_JAVA_STACK,
COBJNI_MIN_HEAP, and COBJNI_MAX_HEAP) to increase memory space
available for the Java VM.
No Java interface/abstract class instance can be generated. Check
whether the Java class/interface was changed after the J adapter class
generator was executed.
A constructor was executed in an abstract class. The Java class/interface was
probably changed after generation of an adapter class. Check the Java
Type conversion failed. Check the parameter passed to the J-NARROW
The object specified in the parameter is not a subclass or object of the class.
Check the parameter passed to the J-NARROW method.