3.1 Function List
Notes when using SharePoint (Operations that cannot be performed)
For files, folders, and libraries on the SharePoint site, the following operations are not
zThe following file/folder/library operations
- Create shortcut to folder
- Rename
zfor a folder in which sub-folders or files exist
zfor a file name longer than 128 bytes
- Copy
zCopy folders
zCopy files on the SharePoint site
zCopy files with a name that exceeds 128 characters, from a folder in a local
drive to the SharePoint site
zCopy files with a name that exceeds 110 bytes, from a site to a local folder
- Delete folders in which sub-folders or files exist
- Undo
- Open (files with a name that exceeds 110 bytes)
- View in thumbnail (files with a name that exceeds 110 bytes)
- Actions (files with a name that exceeds 110 bytes)
zMultiple users cannot simultaneously access a site while using ScanSnap
Organizer on a single computer.
zMicrosoft Office SharePoint Server linkage function cannot be used while an
application which uses port 80, such as Web server, is running.
zConnection via a proxy server is not supported.
zMake sure that the site time zone and the time zone of the computer running
ScanSnap Organizer are the same.
zFor PDF files on the site, if [Keyword] or [Text and Properties] are targeted for a
search, Adobe PDF IFilter must be installed. Adobe PDF IFilter is installed at the
same time when you install Adobe Acrobat 8.1 or later, or Adobe Reader 8.1 or
You cannot specify a folder or file name which starts or end with a period (.).
The following characters cannot be used for file names.
~ " # % & * : < > ? / \ { | } and a sequence of periods
In the following cases, even if the [Append a folder path to the file name before
moving/copying] check box in [Popular] on the [Options] dialog box is selected, a
folder path will not be appended to the file when it is copied or moved.
zCopy a file from a local folder to the site
zCopy a file from the site to a local folder