Enter the license key inscribed in the iRMC advanced pack and click [Upload]. Inscribe the
license key in the license key label and keep it for later reference.
`When a wrong license key is entered, the following error message appears. Retry
to enter the correct license key.
`If the license key is lost, contact an office listed in the "Contact Information".
`When a license key is already registered, the following screen appears. In this
case, registration of a license key is not necessary.
`When the base board is replaced, you are required to reset the license key.
Be sure to paste the license key label on the server for it is necessary to
reenter the license key.
PG-RMCU1↪ࠗࡦࠬࠠ㧔License key for PG-RMC U1㧕
Pleas e note lic ense k ey in this la bel, and be sure to keep this
label for later reference.
Pleas e note lic ense k ey in this la bel, and be sure to keep this
label for later reference.