3-153.11.4 Resolution color
RES. COLOR sets transfer characteristics of input signal level versus display echo level.
Echo strength is emphasized in order of CUBE, SQUARE, LINEAR, LOG. You can see the
characteristics of each by watching the color bar as you change the setting.
1. Press the [MENU] key to open the menu.
2. Press to choose MENU at the top of the screen.
3. Press or to choose the VERT menu.
4. Press or to choose RES. COLOR.
5. Press to open the dialog box.
6. Press or to choose appropriate option, referring to the description below.
LOG: Displays weak to strong echoes in their respective levels. This setting is
suitable for general use.
LINEAR: Downplays the weak echoes when compared with LOG. Effective for
suppressing weak echoes such as plankton.
SQUARE: Strong echoes are emphasized more than in LINEAR.
CUBE: Strong echoes are emphasized even more than in SQUARE.
7. Press the [MENU] key to register your selection and close the menu.
3.11.5 Suppressing clutter
Low intensity echoes, often caused by sediments in water, are painted on the screen as a
large number or random dots. This noise can be suppressed.
1. Press the [MENU] key to open the menu.
2. Press to choose MENU at the top of the screen.
3. Press or to choose the VERT menu.
4. Press or to choose CLUTTER.
5. Press to open the dialog box.
6. Press or to choose 0, 1, 2 or 3 as appropriate. The higher the number (setting)
the weaker the echoes which are erased.
7. Press the [MENU] key to register your selection and close the menu.