Board Switch Setting Function Factory
#1 #2 Ship’s speed for distance run pulse selection
Speed over-the-ground & through-water & speed
fed from nav sensor ○
OFF ON Speed over-the-ground & through-water
ON - Speed through-water
OFF Type of ship’s speed for distance run pulse: Vector ○
#3 ON Ditto : Fore-aft
OFF Bearing data output: True course ○
#4 ON Dit to : Heading
OFF Bearing data output at low Ship’s speed: True course ○
#5 ON
Ditto :Heading
(Since ship’s course data fluctuates by rolling and
pitching when ship’s speed is extremely low,
heading data is output instead of course. )
OFF Distance signal alarm Contact: ON = No alarm ○
#6 ON For e-aft status Contact: ON = Aft (note 1)
OFF CIF/NMEA 1 option data: Off ◎
#7 ON Ditto : On (Note 2.)
OFF CIF/NMEA 2 option data: Off ◎
#8 ON Ditto : On (Note 2.)
S5 0 to F Engine rev olution full scale setting.
0 Rate-of turn gyro data averaging time: 10 mses
1 Ditto : 20mses
2 Ditto : 40mses
3 Ditto : 80mses
4 Ditto : 160mses
5 Ditto : 230mses
6 Ditto : 640mses
MIF Board
7 to F Ditto : 1280mses
Note 1: Prior to setting #6 to “ON”, set #3 to “ON”.
Note 2: DRU (Dual Doppler Auxiliar y Data) and VWT (True Wind Speed and Angle) are outputted.