Rino® 110 Owner’s Manual 101
Keylock 5, 35
Lap 75
Last Found Place 47
License Agreement 96
Buttons/Keys 5, 35
LORAN TD Format 65
Main Display Pages 4
Main Menu 33
MapSource 1, 22, 49, 69
Map Data 28, 84
Map Detail 27
Map Features Setup 28
Map Page 22
Options 24
Overview 22
Pan Map 24
Restore Defaults 24
Scale 23
Setup Map 24, 27
Map Pointer 25
Mark Waypoint 16
Mark Waypoint Page 36
Measure Distance 24, 28
Message Beep 70
Microphone 15
Monitor Channels 12
Move a Waypoint 39
My ID 8
Name 8
Navigate 30, 54
Navigation Page 29–31
Bearing Pointer/Course
Pointer 31
Options 31
Restore Defaults 31
Stop Navigation 31
New Contact 18
New Location 62
NMEA 0183 92
North Heading 27
North Up 27, 62
Note 71
Operating the Rino 5
Option Menu 5
Orientation 27
Page Sequence Setup 34
Pan Map 24, 25
PC 84, 92
PC Interface Cable 84
Peer-to-Peer 14, 18
PIT 15
Points of Interest 45, 46
Polling 14
Poll Location 43
Position Icon 22
Program a Data Field 26
Project Waypoint 38, 41,
42, 43, 44, 46
Proximity Alarms 59
Radio Page 7
Channel 10
Code 10
Informational Picture 16
Overview 7
Setup Radio 14
Radio Transmission Status
Receive Signals 7
Recently Found Places 47
Reference Note 71
Reposition Here 41, 42
Reset 32, 75
Restore Defaults 24, 32
Reverse Route 50
Route 51
Ring Tone 15
Roger Tone 15
Routes 49
Copy 51
Create 49
Data Fields 55
Delete 51
Edit 50
Navigate 54
Remove waypoints 50
Restore defaults 51
Reverse 50
Review 51