14 Rino® 110 Owner’s Manual
Radio Page Option MenuThe Radio Page Option Menu allows you to
customize aspects of your Rino 110, such as setting up
the radio, programming call and ring tones, and setting up
a scanlist.
Setup Radio
The Setup Radio option displays the Radio Setup Page.
This page determines how the radio functions and enables
you to adjust the radio operation to your needs. The
following options are available:
Setup Radio Page
Send Location—enables/disables the peer-to-peer
positioning feature. See the “Peer-to-Peer” section for
more on this feature.
Allow Polling—allows you to enable/disable position
polling from other Rinos.
VOX Level—controls the sensitivity level of any
Voice Operated Transmission (VOX) accessory.
VOX accessories allow you to use the unit hands-
free. A lower VOX setting is recommended for quiet
environments while a higher VOX setting should be
used in noisy environments. Setting the VOX level to 5
is recommended for most environments, but it may be
necessary to adjust the level to achieve the desired voice
trigger level. You will hear yourself talking in the headset
when transmitting successfully using VOX.
GMRS Radio—use this option to turn On/Off GMRS
channels 15–22 in U.S. units only. GMRS channels in
Canadian units are enabled automatically. See the “FCC
Licensing Information” section and the “Appendix” for
more information on using GMRS channels.