5On your smartphone, go to the Bluetooth settings menu, and search for nearby devices.
See the smartphone owner's manual f對or more information6Select your fēnix 2 device from the list of nearby devi對ces A passkey appears on the fēnix 2 screen.
7On your smartphone, enter the passk對ey8On your fēnix 2 device, select Always On, In Activity, orNot in Activity, and select OK.
The device turns Bluetooth wireless technology on and off automatically based on your selecti對on
9Select Show or Hide to show or hide smartphone notifications on the fēnix 2 screen.
10Go to www.garmin.com/⁜爀愀瀀, and download the Garmin Connect Mobile app or the BaseCamp Mobile app to your smartphone \⠀漀瀀琀椀漀渀愀氀尩
Garmin Connect
You can connect with your friends on Garmin Connect.⁜Garmin Connect gives you the tools to track, analyze, and share your data.⁜爠屲 You can record the events 對of your active lifestyle includ golf games, hikes, runs, adventures對, and more.⁜爀†屲To sign up fo free account, go to www.garminconnect.com/.
Using Garmin Connect
You can upload all of your activity data to Garmin Connect for comprehensive analysis.⁜爀 圀椀琀Garmin Connect, you can view a map of your activity, and share you對r activities with friends
1Connect the device to your computer對 using the USB cable2 Go to www.garminconnect.com/⁜爀猀琀愀.3 Follow theANT⁜ Sensors
Your device can be used with wireless ANT⁜ sensors.⁜爀 䘀漀爀 洀漀爀 information about compatibility and purchasing optional sensors, go to http:/⁜爠⼠屲buy.garm.
Pairing ANT⁜ Sensors
Before you can pair ANT⁜ sensors, Bluetooth wireless technology must be turned off (Pairing Your Smartphone with Your fēnix 2 Device).
The first time you connect a sensor to your device using ANT⁜爀 wireless technology, you must pair 對the device and sensor.⁜爀 伀渀 paired, the device connects to the sensor automatically when you start an activity and the senso對r is active and within range
NOTE: If a heart rate monitor was bundled with your device, the included heart rate monitor is alre對ady paired with your device
1If you are pairing a heart rate monitor, put on the heart rate monitor.The heart rate monitor does not send or receive data until you put it on.2Bring the device within 3 m \⠀ ꀀ昀琀對⸠屲\⤀ 漀昀 琀栀攀 猀攀渀NOTE: Stay 10 m \⠀㌀㌀ꀀ昀琀⸠屲\⤀ 愀眀愀礀 昀爀漀洀 漀琀栀ANT⁜ sensors while pairing.3Hold MENU.4Select Settings > Sensors.
5 Select your sensor.6 Select New Search.
When the sensor is paired with your device, the sensor status changes from Searching to Connected.⁜爀 匀攀渀猀漀爀 搀愀琀 appears in the data page loop or a 對custom data field
Device Information
Battery type | 500 mAh |
Battery life | Up to 5 weeks |
Water resistance | Water resistant \⠀㔀 ꀀ洀 |
| NOTE: The watch is designed for surface |
| swimming. |
Operating temperature | From |
range |
Radio frequency/ | 2.⁜爀㐀ꀀ䜀䠀ANT⁜ wireless technology |
protocol | Bluetooth Smart device |
Battery Information
The actual battery life depends on how much you use GPS, device sensors, optional wireless s對ensors, and the backlight
Battery Life | Mode |
16 hours | Normal GPS mode |
50 hours | UltraTrac GPS mode with |
Up to 5 weeks | Watch mode |
Device Care
Do not use a sharp object to clean 對the deviceAvoid chemical cleaners, solvents, and insect repellents that can damage plastic components and f對inishes
Thoroughly rinse the device with fresh water after exposure to chlorine, salt water, sunscreen, cosmetics, alcohol, or other harsh chemicals.⁜爀 倀爀漀氀漀渀最攀搀 攀砀瀀漀猀甀對爀攀 琀漀 琀栀攀猀攀 猀甀戀猀琀愀渀挀攀猀 挀 damage the case.
Avoid pressing the keys under water對Avoid extreme shock and harsh treatment, because it can degrade the life of the product.
Do not store the device where prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures can occur, because it can cause permanent damage.
Getting More Information
You can find more information about this product on the Garmin website.•Go to www.garmin.com/⁜爀漀甀琀搀漀.•Go to www.garmin.com/⁜爀氀攀愀爀渀椀渀最挀攀渀琀.•Go to http:/⁜爠⼠屲buy.garm, or contact your Garmin dealer for information about optional accessories and replacement parts.
Getting the Owner's Manual
You can get the latest owner's manu對al from the web1Go to www.garmin.com/⁜爀猀甀瀀瀀漀.2 Select Manuals.3 Follow theSupport and Updates
Garmin Express™ provides easy access to these services for Garmin devices.⁜爀 匀漀洀攀 猀攀爀瘀椀挀攀猀 洀愀礀 渀漀琀 戀攀對 愀瘀愀椀氀愀戀氀攀 昀漀爀 礀漀 device.
•Product registration•Product manuals•Software updates•Map updates•Vehicles, voices, and other extrasSetting Up Garmin Express
1Connect the device to your computer對 using a USB cable2 Go to www.garmin.com/⁜爀攀砀瀀爀攀.3