Magnum H80B and H80P Personal Hubs User Guide (07/95)
3.5.2 AUI Connections (Model H80P only)
The Magnum H80P is equipped with a rear DTE (male
AUI) port which serves a dual purpose of supplying power to the unit
and providing backbone connectivity.
NOTE: Since the H80P derives its power from this port,
this connection must be completed before the unit will
function, unless an optional external power supply is
being used..
Before connecting the DTE port of the Magnum H80P,
note that the maximum cable length of an AUI drop cable is 50m
(165 ft).
The Magnum H80P DTE connector supports standard
IEEE signals, summarized in Table 3.5.2.
Table 3.5.2: DTE Pin Assignments
Pin Function Pin F unction
1 Control In Circuit Shield 10 Data Out Circuit B
2 Control In Circuit A 11 Data Out Circuit Shield
3 Data Out Circuit A 12 Data In Circuit B
4 Data In Circuit Shield 13 Voltage Plus (+)
5 Data In Circuit A 14 Voltage Shield
6 Voltage Common 15 Control Out Circuit B
7 Control Out Circuit A SHELL Protective Ground
8 Control Out Circuit Shield (conductive shell)
9 Control In Circuit B
NOTES: 1) Voltage Plus (pin #13) and Voltage Common
(pin # 6) use a single twisted pair in the AUI cable.
2) Pins 4, 8, 11 and 14 may be connected to pin #1.