Magnum H80B and H80P Personal Hubs User Guide (07/95)
Consistent with IEEE 802.3 specifications, Personal Hubs will detect
collisions, extend collision fragments, and automatically partition
and re-connect individual ports in order to keep problems on one
segment from causing downtime elsewhere on the network.
Personal Hubs include LINK and RX LEDs, located on top
of the unit above each RJ-45 port, and one LED for DC power
located at the rear near the external power supply connection. For
observing operational information from the LEDs, it is easy to
associate the status LEDs for each of the ports with the appropriate
port plug.
2.2.1 Magnum H80B Product Description
Magnum H80B Personal Hubs provide a simple and
inexpensive solution for networking a personal multi-system office
using 10BASE-T twisted pair cabling. They are perfect for sites that
have ThinNet installed and need to wire additional office space for
twisted pair.
Magnum H80Bs are also well suited for small- to-medium-
size office or lab environments (up to eight persons) that need an
independent Ethernet network. They operate as self-sufficient units