CONGRATULATIONSonyour purchaseof a high qualityGBCShredmastershredder.Wehavetakennumerous stepsto assurethat your shredderarrivesin top condition.In the rareeventthat you do haveanyproblemsor questions,contactyour dealer.
Your safetyas well as the safetyof others is important to GBC.In this instruction manualand on the product are importantsafetymessages.Readthesemessagescarefully.
The safetyalert symbol precedeseach safety messagein this instruction manualand on the product.
AThis symbol indicatesa potential personalsafety hazardthat could hurt you or others, as well as cause product or property damage.Do not connectthis unit to electricalpower or attemptto operateit before you havereadthese operatinginstructions. Savethese instructions for later use.
The following two warnings are found on the bottom of the product or insidethe cabinetdoor:
| This safety messagemeansthat you could be | |
and exposeyourselfto hazardousvoltage. | seriously hurt if you placeyour hands in the | |||
dischargechute. | ||||
Thefollowing ISOand IECsymbolsappearon this | Thesymbolswhichbecomeilluminatedare: | |||
product,and their meaningsare as follows: | I | MeansPowerON | ||
| ||
I | Means | Power ON | ~ | Meanstheshredbinis full |
O | Means | OFF | Cl | Meansthecabinetdooris open |
| ||
R | Means | REVERSE | R | Meansanoverloadhasoccurred |
| ||
| Depressthe"R'sideof therockerswitch |
~Thismeansyoushouldbecarefulbecauselonghaircanbecomeentangledin thecuttinghead. /JIj Thiscouldhurtyou.
~Thismeansdon'treachintothefeedopeningof thecuttinghead.Thiscouldhurtyou.
'WThismeansbecarefulof tiesandotherlooseclothingwhichcouldbecomeentangledin thecutting I'Q headThis.couldhurtyou.
0Thismeansyoushouldbecarefulof loosejewelrywhichcouldbecomeentangledin thecuttinghead. Thiscouldhurtyou.
.Unplug yourshredderbeforemovingit or whenit is notin usefor anextendedperiodof time.
.Do not operatewith a damagedpowersupplycord or plug,after it malfunctions,or after it hasbeen damagedin anymanner.
.Do notoverloadelectricaloutletsbeyondcapacityasthiscanresultin fire or electricalshock.
.Do notalterattachmentplug.Plugconfiguredfor theappropriateelectricalsupply.
Do not attemptto serviceor repair the unit yourself. In the rare eventthat your unit requiresservicecontact your dealeror call GBCNationalServiceat
ABC Office | 800.658.8788 | www.abcoffice.com |