Quantity and/ Shelf First Side Second Side
Food or Thickness Position Time (min.) Time (min.) Comments
Bacon 1/2 lb. (about C 41⁄241⁄2Arrange in single layer.
8 thin slices)
Ground Beef 1 lb. (4 patties) C 10 7 Space evenly.
Well Done 1/2 to 3/4″Up to 8 patties take
thick about same time.
Beef Steaks
Rare 1″thick C 6 5 Steaks less than 1″thick
Medium (1 to 11⁄2lbs.) C 8 6 cook through before
Well Done C 12 11 browning. Pan frying is
Rare 11⁄2″thick C 10 7–8 Slash fat.
Medium (2 to 21⁄2lbs.) C 15 14–16
Well Done C 25 20–25
Chicken 1 whole A 35 10–15 Reduce time about 5 to 10
(2 to 21⁄2lbs.), minutes per side for cut-up
split lengthwise chicken. Brush each side
with melted butter. Broil
skin-side-down first.
Lobster Tails 2–4 B 13–16 Do not Cut through back of shell.
(6 to 8 oz. turn Spread open. Brush with
each) over. melted butter before
broiling and after half
of broiling time.
Fish 1-lb. fillets C 5 5 Handle and turn very carefully.
1/4 to 1/2″Brush with lemon butter
thick before and during cooking,
if desired. Preheat broiler
to increase browning.
Ham Slices 1″thick B 8 8 Increase time 5 to 10
(precooked) minutes per side for 11⁄2″
thick or home cured ham.
Pork Chops 2 (1/2″thick) C 10 10 Slash fat.
Well Done 2 (1″thick), B 13 13
about 1 lb.
Lamb Chops
Medium 2 (1″thick), C 10 9 Slash fat.
Well Done about 10 to 12 oz. C 12 10
Medium 2 (11⁄2″thick), C 14 12
Well Done about 1 lb. B 17 12–14
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