Whti dees your warranty cover?
. Any defect in material or workmanship.
For how long after the orfginal putchaae?
●Ona year.
●The warranty for rental units begins with the first rental.
What Will we do?
●Preside you with a new, or st our option, a recondifionad unit.
. The exchange “nit is warranted to, the remainder of your prodwt% original
Hew do yeu maka a warranty ciaim?
. Preperly pack your unit. Include any cables, etc., which were originally provided with the pro- duct. We recommend using the original carton and packing materials.
●Include in the package a copy of the sales raceipt or other evidence of date of original purchase, If the unit was a gift, preside a statement spacifyhg the date received. Also print your name and address and a description of the defect.
●Ship the unit standard UPS or equivalent 10:
Thomson Conaumar Electronics, Inc.
Product Exchange Center
32 Spur Drive
El Paao, Texas 799o6
. Pay any charges billed to yeu by the Exchange Center for service not covared by the warranty.
. A new or reconditienad unit will be shipped to you prepaid freight.
What does your warranty not covar?
. Customer intirucfion. Your Owner’s Manual presides information ragarding operating instruc. tions and usar COntrOkI. Fer additional information, ask yew dealer.
. Installation and
. Damage frem misuse or neglect.
. Preducts which hasa baa medifiad or incerporatad into other products.
. Prduct purchased or serviced outaide the USA, Hew dw88tate law relate to this warranty?
. This warranty givaa you apacific legal rights, and you may afso have ether rights which vary from state to state.
Wfut If yw purchsaed your unft in Canada?
●Refer to the Canadian Warranty,
For prcducts purchased outside the United States and Canada, see dealer for warranty.
Thomson Consumer Electronics, Inc
247M074UW1 (Rw. o, E/q
prfnted In Ma/aysla