p. 2
1. Product description
CNBr-activated Sepha rose 4 Fast Flow is a be ad-formed, highl y cross-
linked pre-activa ted matrix produ ced by reacting Se pharose 4 Fast Flo w
with cyanogen bromid e (CNBr). This cou pling makes the me dium more
rigid which in turn impro ves the pressure/ flow character istics. Prote ins
and other molecules con taining primar y amino groups can be cou pled
directly to the pre-a ctivated medi um. Multi-point a ttachment of prote ins
provides the immobil ized product wit h good chemical st ability. The resu lting
affinity medium ca n isolate a specif ic substance fro m a complex mixture,
often achieving very hi gh yield and purit y in a single step. Many re ferences
demonstrate that bi nding affin ity is frequently we ll maintained af ter CNBr
A typical application o f pre-activat ed affinity me dia like CNBr-activa ted
Sepharose 4 Fast Flow is b ased on antigen- antibody reac tions with
immobilized monoclonal antibodies as ligands. In such cases, purification
factors of 2 000–20 000 c an be obtained.
Table 1 summarizes the main c haracterist ics of CNBr-activat ed Sepharose 4
Fast Flow.
Table of contents
1. P roduct descrip tion 2
2. Coupling 3
3. Column packing guidelines 5
4 . Evaluation of pack ing 7
5. C leaning, Sanit ization and Storag e 10
6. Ordering information 11