BusSecure User Manual Appendix C
0150-0263A / May 2003 35
3. Select Input to Set Up
None to 1 4
Input 1 Type: Alarm Trigger Disabled
Input 1 Name: ____________
Input 1 Pre Alarm Time: 00 seconds to 10 minutes: ____________
Input 1 Post Alarm Time: 00 seconds to 10 minutes: ____________
Input 2 Type: Alarm Trigger Disabled
Input 2 Name: ____________
Input 2 Pre Alarm Time: 00 seconds to 10 minutes: ____________
Input 2 Post Alarm Time: 00 seconds to 10 minutes: ____________
Input 3 Type: Alarm Trigger Disabled
Input 3 Name: ____________
Input 3 Pre Alarm Time: 00 seconds to 10 minutes: ____________
Input 3 Post Alarm Time: 00 seconds to 10 minutes: ____________
Input 4 Type: Alarm Trigger Disabled
Input 4 Name: ____________
Input 4 Pre Alarm Time: 00 seconds to 10 minutes: ____________
Input 4 Post Alarm Time: 00 seconds to 10 minutes: ____________
4. Group Cameras to Input: 1: 1 2 3 4
2: 1 2 3 4
3: 1 2 3 4
4: 1 2 3 4
5. Set up System Variables?
System Capture Rate: 1,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24 (Selecting 24 will set the capture rate at the fastest
speed possible, between 24-30 fps)
Audio Enable: Yes No
Minimum Storage Time for Surveillance: 1 day to 9 days. ____________
Minimum Storage Time for Alarms: 90 days to 10 days. ____________
Auto Adjust for Daylight-Saving Time: Yes No
6. Set Up Vehicle Variables?
Enter Vehicle ID: ____________
Vehicle Password: ____________
DVR IP Address: ___.___.___.___
7. Set Up DVR Date & Time? Yes No