SPEEDCYCLE 7.3gal.,35min.


Thiscycle isfor everydaydishesandglassware.





CHINACRYSTAL 7.3gal.,48 min.

(onsomemodels) Thiscycle isfor lightlysoiledchinaandcrystal.

RINSEONLY 2.5gal.,12min.

Forrinsingpartialloadsthat willbewashedlater.Donot usedetergentwiththiscycle.

NOTE:Onlythe Anti-Bacteriacyclehasbeendesignedto meetthe requirementsof Section6,NSF184for soilremovalandsanitizationefficacy.





Thelight abovethe selectedpad will be ONto indicatewhichoptionhasbeenselected.



Forusewithheavilysoiledand/or dried-on,baked-onsoils.ThisoptionMUSTbeselectedPRIORto


(onsomemodels) startingthe cycle.Thisoptionadds16 minutesto thecycletime.NOTE:Cannotbeselectedwith






Shutsoff the dryingheatoption.Dishesairdry naturallyand energyissaved.Forfasterair dry,



youcan propthe dooropenafterthe CLEANlight illuminates.



Turnsthe heateronfor fast drying.Thiswillextendthetotal runtimeby 8 minutesfor the SPEED



CYCLE,38minutesfor NORMALandPOTS/PANS,and30minutesfor allothercycles.



NOTE:Cannotbeselectedwith RINSEONLYcycle.



Youcanlockthe controlsto preventangselectionsfrom beingmade.Oryou canlockthecontrols



afteryou havestarteda cycle.



Childrencannotaccidentallystartdishwasherby touchingpadswith this optionselected.



To LOCKthe dishwashercontrol,touchandholdthe HEATEDDRYpadfor 3secondsThelight.



belowtheHEATEDDRYpadwillturn on.ToUNLOCKthe dishwashercontrol,touchandholdthe



HEATEDDRYpadfor 3 secondsThe.LOCKlightwillturn off.



Whenselected,the cyclewillrun longerwiththe heatingelementonto improvebothwashand



dry performanceNOTE:. Cannotbeselectedwith RINSEONLYcycle.



Youcandelaythe start ofa washcyclefor upto 9 hours.Touchthe DELAYHOURSpadto choose



the numberof hoursyou wantto delaythe start of the cycle;thentouch START/RESETonetime.



Thedishwasherwill countdownandstartautomaticallyat the correcttime.Touching



START/RESET a secondtime will cancelthe DELAYSTARTselection.



Tochangea cycleafterwashingstarts,touchthe START/RESETpadto cancelthe cycle.The



START/RESETlightwillflashwhilethe wateris pumpedout if neededThistakesapproximately.



90 secondsWhenthe. lightstopsflashing,the dishwashercan bereprogrammedand restarted.




Closeand latchthe dishwasherdoorandselectthe cycleanddesiredenhancementsTouchthe. START/RESETpad onceto beginthe cycle.Waterbeginsto fillthe dishwasher,andapproximately60secondslaterthe washaction begins.TouchingtheSTART/RESETpada secondtimewillcancelthe cycleandcausethewaterto drainout. Thiswill takeapproximately2minutes.

NOTE:Thedishwasherremembersyour lastcycleso you don'thaveto reprogrameachtime.Whenthe dishwasher doorisfullyclosed,the controlpanellightswill displaythe lastsettingsyou selected.

Ifyou don'twantto changeany of the settings,simplytouchthe START/RESETpadonceto beginthecycle.

Ifthe doorisclosed,the indicatorlightswillturn off ifthe START/RESETpadisnot pressedwithintwo minutes. Toactivatethe display,openandclosethe doorortouchany pad.

Also,if a power failure occurs, NORMAL and HEATEDDRYwill automatically be programmed.

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Image 5
GE EDWSO00 manual RINSEONLYcycle, LightOFF, LightON, Start

EDWSO00 specifications

The GE EDWSO00 is a versatile and powerful piece of equipment that has garnered attention in various industrial applications for its advanced features and robust technologies. This model, designed and manufactured by General Electric, showcases the company’s commitment to innovation and excellence in the engineering field.

One of the main features of the GE EDWSO00 is its impressive data processing capability. This system is engineered to handle complex data sets efficiently, which is vital in industries that rely heavily on real-time data analysis. The architecture supports high-speed data computing, making it ideal for applications such as monitoring, telemetry, and control systems.

In terms of technology, the GE EDWSO00 integrates cutting-edge software solutions that allow for seamless operation and user-friendly interface. The device often comes equipped with advanced diagnostics and troubleshooting tools, enabling users to identify and rectify issues quickly. Its modular design allows for easy upgrades, ensuring that the EDWSO00 remains compatible with future technological advancements.

The connectivity features of the GE EDWSO00 are noteworthy as well. It supports multiple communication protocols, facilitating integration with existing systems and enhancing interoperability. This is crucial for businesses looking to streamline operations and improve overall efficiency.

Its compact form factor is another characteristic that stands out. Designed for efficiency, the EDWSO00 occupies minimal space while still providing maximum output. This makes it suitable for environments where space is a premium, such as manufacturing floors and data centers.

Durability is a critical consideration in industrial environments, and the GE EDWSO00 is built to withstand harsh conditions. Its rugged design ensures reliability even in extreme temperatures and demanding working environments. This resilience not only prolongs the life of the equipment but also reduces maintenance costs for users.

Energy efficiency is another significant aspect of the GE EDWSO00's design. With an emphasis on reducing energy consumption, it adheres to modern standards for energy savings, benefiting both the environment and operational costs.

In conclusion, the GE EDWSO00 represents a combination of strength, flexibility, and intelligent design. Its advanced features, robust technologies, and characteristics make it a preferred choice for industries looking to enhance their operational capabilities and efficiency. The equipment's ability to adapt to evolving technologies ensures that it remains relevant and effective in an ever-changing industrial landscape.