The Menu System
Use the Default feature to reset ALL options to the factory defaults.
1.With no disc playing, press SETUP (the main menu appears).
2.Use the down arrow to highlight Preferences (the Preferences menu appears).
3.Highlight the Defaults option.
4.Use the right arrow to move to the Reset option.
5.Press PLAY/OK to select the option.
6.Press the left arrow to return to the Preferences options. To return to the main menu, highlight the main menu option and press PLAY/OK.
Language Code List
Language | Code | Language | Code | Language | Code | Language | Code | |
Abkhazian | 6566 | French | 7082 | Lithuanian | 7684 | Sindhi | 8368 |
Afar | 6565 | Frisian | 7089 | Macedonian | 7775 | Singhalese | 8373 |
Afrikaans | 6570 | Galician | 7176 | Malagsy | 7771 | Siswati | 8383 |
Albanian | 8381 | Georgian | 7565 | Malay | 7783 | Slovak | 8375 |
Ameharic | 6577 | German | 6869 | Malayalam | 7776 | Slovenian | 8376 |
Arabic | 6582 | Greek | 6976 | Maltese | 7784 | Somali | 8379 |
Armenian | 7289 | Greenlandic | 7576 | Maori | 7773 | Spanish | 6983 |
Assamese | 6583 | Guarani | 7178 | Marathi | 7782 | Sundanese | 8385 |
Aymara | 6588 | Gujarati | 7185 | Moldavian | 7779 | Swahili | 8387 |
Azerbaijani | 6590 | Hausa | 7265 | Mongolian | 7778 | Swedish | 8386 |
Bashkir | 6665 | Hebrew | 7387 | Naru | 7865 | Tagalog | 8476 |
Basque | 6985 | Hindi | 7273 | Nepali | 7869 | Tajik | 8471 |
Bengali; Bangla | 6678 | Hungarian | 7285 | Norwegian | 7879 | Tamil | 8465 |
Bhutani | 6890 | Icelandic | 7383 | Occitan | 7967 | Tatar | 8484 |
Bihari | 6672 | Indonesian | 7378 | Oriya | 7982 | Telugu | 8469 |
Bislama | 6673 | Interlingua | 7365 | Oromo (Afan) | 7977 | Thai | 8472 |
Breton | 6682 | Interlingue | 7369 | Panjabi | 8065 | Tibetan | 6679 |
Bulgarian | 6671 | Inupiak | 7375 | Pashto, Pushto | 8083 | Tigrinya | 8473 |
Burmese | 7789 | Irish | 7165 | Persian | 7065 | Tonga | 8479 |
Byelorussian | 6669 | Italian | 7384 | Polish | 8076 | Tsonga | 8483 |
Cambodian | 7577 | Japanese | 7465 | Portuguese | 8084 | Turkish | 8482 |
Catalan | 6765 | Javanese | 7487 | Quechua | 8185 | Turkmen | 8475 |
Chinese | 9072 | Kannada | 7578 | 8277 | TThai | 7472 |
| |
Corsican | 6779 | Kashmiri | 7583 | Romanian | 8279 |
Croatian | 7282 | Kazakh | 7575 | Russian | 8285 |
Czech | 6783 | Kinyarwanda | 8287 | Samoan | 8377 |
Danish | 6865 | Kirghiz | 7589 | Sangho | 8371 |
Dutch | 7876 | Kirundi | 8278 | Sanskrit | 8365 |
English | 6978 | Korean | 7579 | Scots Gaelic | 7168 |
Esperanto | 6979 | Kurdish | 7585 | Serbian | 8382 |
Estonian | 6984 | Laothian | 7679 | 8372 |
| |
Faroese | 7079 | Latin | 7665 | Sesotho | 8384 |
Fiji | 7074 | Latvian, Lettish | 7686 | Setswana | 8478 |
Finnish | 7073 | Lingala | 7678 | Shona | 8378 |
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