ffkmdd$h%vashingstarts with KY-r water.
Togetdishes clean and dry, yoL~ needhot water.Tohelpyougetwater ofthe proper temperature,your dishwasherautomaticallyheatsthe waterin the washcycle. For good washingand drying, the entering watermust be at least 120‘F.To preventdishdamage,inletwater shouldnot exceed 150“F.
Howto test watertenlpemhm!:
Check the water temperature insideyour dishwasherwith a candy or meat thermometer.
Letthe dishwasherrun through one fill and pump out cycle,then Ietthe dishwasherfill with water the second time.
When you hear the water stop illing, unlatch the door and slowly open it.
.Measurethe temperature of the tvaterin the bottom of the tub this
Removethe silverwarebasketand placea candyor meatthermometer in thewatertowardsthe middleof thetub.If the temperatureis lCSS than 120”F,youwillnotgetgood uushingresults,Higherwater temperatureis neededto dissolve (~reaseand activatepowder
Ifelpful hints: If outside temperaturesare unusuallylow,or if!our watertravelsa Iongdistance /’rllmwaterheaterto dishwasher, lou mayneed to set your water kc:~ter’sthermostatup. If youhave mvusedhot waterfor sometime, dlcwaterin the pipes will be cold. Turnon the hot waterfaucetal the sinkand allowit to run untilthe Ui][eris hot. m~i~start the LiishwasherIf. you’vercccntlydone l:~undryor run hot waterfor
showers, giveyourwaterheater timeto recoverbeforeoperatingthe dishwasher.
Toimprovewashabilityif thewa[er is lessthan 120°1?andyoucannot adjustyourwaterheater:Selecta longercycleandfillbothdetergent cupsat
Help prevent spotting
with a rime agent.
Arinseagentmakeswaterflowoff dishesquickerthanusual.This lessenswaterspottingandmakes dryingfaster,too.
For bestdishwashing performance,useof a rinse agentsuchas
Rinseagentscomein eitherliquid or solidform. Yourdishwasher usesthe solidform.
Myou can’t find any rinse agent, write:
411W. PutnamAve. Greenwich,Cl’06830
How to chooseand l.lse
the right detergent.
First, use only powderor liquid detergentspecificallymade for use h dishvashm. Other types will cause oversudsing.
Second, check the phosphate content. Phosphatehelpsprevent
~OU~ water departmentcm teii you how hard your water is. So
canyourcountyextensionagent. Or yourarea’swatersoftener companyJustcallandaskthem. howmany“grains”of hardnessis in yourwater.
How much detergentshould you me? Thatdepends.Is yourwater “hard” or “soft”?Withhardwater, youneedextradetergentto get dishesclean.Withsoftwater,you needlessdetergent.
Toomuchdetergentwithsoftwater notonlywastesmoney,it canbe harmful.It can causea permanent cloudinessof glassware,called “etching.”An outsidelayerof glass is etchedaway!Butwhytakea chancewhenit’seasyto findout the hardnessof yourwater.
Keep your detergent fresh and! dry. Underthe sinkisn’ta good placeto storedetergent.Toomuch moisture.Don’tputpowder detergentintothe dispenseruntil you’rereadyto washdishes,either. (It won’tbe fresh ORdry.)
H’your powder detergent getsW or lumpy, throw it away. Itwon’t washwell.Old detergentoftenwon’t dissolve.
If yoLluse a liquiddishwasher detergent,theseprecautionsare no{ necessarybecauseliquiddetergents don’t“lump” as theyageor come in contactwith wdter.