Zbis is a random mixed load, the most common Upe you will have.
Makesuredishesare properlyloadedto insurethat watercan reachthe soiledsurfaces.Thewasharmin the bottomsprayswaterup. Thetowerthatrises in the centersendswateroutoverthedishesto washtheitems in theupperrack.
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Thewashtowerrises throughthe centerof the bottom rackduringthe washand rinseportionsof the cycle. Don’tblockit or load tallthingsnextto it. Also,be carefulnot to let portionsof itemssuchas knives, skewersor pothand~esextendthroughthe bottomrack ~>rthesilverwarebasket.
HOWb !kM3dtk m~IR.ACK
Thetoprackis bestforglasses,cupsandsaucers.Cups andglassesfitbestalongthe sides.Thisis theplacefor
Saucepans,mixingbowlsandother smallitemsmaybe