Help us help you...
Before using your dishwasher, read this book carefully.
It is intended to help you operate and maintain your new dishwasher properly.
Keep it handy for answers to your questions.
If you don’t understand something or need more help. write (include your phone number):
Consumer Affairs
GE Appliances
Appliance Park
Louisville, KY 40225
Write down the model and serial numbers.
You”ll find them on a label fmtencd to the tub wall just inside the dishwasher door.
These numbers are a]so on the CLJnsumer product ownership Registration Card that came with yoLlr dishwushcr. Before sending in this card. please write these numbm here:
Model Number
Serial Number
(Jw these numbers in any
If vou received a damaged
[mmediateiy contact the dealer (or builder) that sold you [he dishyvasher.
Save time and monev. Before you request “ service...
Check the Problem Solver (pages
To obtain a Spanish language version of this book, call GE Answer Centerq
consumer information service.
Para obtener la \ersi6n en espailol de estc manual. name a
GE Answer Center. < servicio de inftwmacitin para el consumidor. te16fono S()().626.20()()
Energy-saving tips
“Operate (dishwasher only when it’s full. Let the dishes LlccunlLlliue in dishwushcr. When you put in only a partial ]o:d. usc the RINSE & HOLD cycle to rinse t~ff iw:]~y soils. Be sure to IJtch the dot~r when waiting for u tull I[wi. This helps keep soils moist. emier to remo\’e.
●Always select the cycle that uses iemt amount of ~vater that
~~illremove the soil from the load. Sce pays 4 :md 5.
●[f yoLl don’t need }’our dishes right aw’tiv. use your ENERGY SAVER
If you need service
To obtain service. see the Consumer Services page in the back of this book.
We’re proud of our ser~’ice and want you to be pleased. If for some reason you are not happy \vith the service you receive. here are three steps to follow for further help.
FIRST. contact the people ~vho serviced your appliance. Explain why you tire not pleased. In most cases. this will solve the problem.
NEXT. if you are still not pleased. write all the
Manager, Consumer Relations
GE Appliances
Appliance Park
Louisville, KY 40225
FINTALLY,if your problem is \[ill not resolved, write:
Major Appliance Consumer
Action Pm21
20 North Wacker Dri\e
Chicago. IL 60606