RF Board Access
Holes are located in the RF Board shield for alignment of the Reference Oscillator (U3), Modulation Balance pot (R18), VCO Modulation pot (R19), 2nd Local Oscillator Adjustment (T1), and the Quadrature Detector Adjustment (T2). To align these items, shield removal is not necessary.
If removal of the RF Board from the case is necessary, first remove the UDC antenna jack and the top RF antenna jack with appropriate spanner wrenches. Next, remove the five (5) Torx screws (B) that secure the shield then lift and remove the shield. Remove the two (2) remaining Torx screws (C) near the Power Amplifier Module. The RF Board and eggcrate casting can now be lifted from the Rear Cover to gain access to the chip component side of the board. If necessary, the RF Board can be separated from the eggcrate casting. Remove the two (2) Torx screws that secure the Power Amplifier Module and remove the four (4) screws on
Figure 7 - RF Board Access
the chip component side of the board that secure it to the casting.
Reassemble the unit in reverse order. Observe screw lengths.
Control Board Access
To gain partial access to the Control Board, remove the five (5) screws (D) securing the shield and board. An earlier Front Cover Assembly has an additional screw located just below connectors J4/P4 (DD). See Figure 8. Remove the shield.
Many of the test points on the Control Board are acces- sible at this point; however, the Front Cover Assembly should not be
Figure 8 - Control Board Access