NetworX NX-548E Receiver
Installation Instructions
Zone _____
Assigned to module
1 - Enable sensor
2 - Supervised
3 - Fire supervision
4 - Input option 1
5 - Input option 2
6 - 80-bit device
7 - Input option 3
8 - Not used
Partition 1 keyfob
Partition 2 keyfob
Partition 3 keyfob
Partition 4 keyfob
Partition 5 keyfob
Partition 6 keyfob
Partition 7 keyfob
Partition 8 keyfob
Zone _____
Assigned to module
1 - Enable sensor
2 - Supervised
3 - Fire supervision
4 - Input option 1
5 - Input option 2
6 - 80-bit device
7 - Input option 3
8 - Not used
Partition 1 keyfob
Partition 2 keyfob
Partition 3 keyfob
Partition 4 keyfob
Partition 5 keyfob
Partition 6 keyfob
Partition 7 keyfob
Partition 8 keyfob
Zone _____
Assigned to module
1 - Enable sensor
2 - Supervised
3 - Fire supervision
4 - Input option 1
5 - Input option 2
6 - 80-bit device
7 - Input option 3
8 - Not used
Partition 1 keyfob
Partition 2 keyfob
Partition 3 keyfob
Partition 4 keyfob
Partition 5 keyfob
Partition 6 keyfob
Partition 7 keyfob
Partition 8 keyfob
Zone _____
Assigned to module
1 - Enable sensor
2 - Supervised
3 - Fire supervision
4 - Input option 1
5 - Input option 2
6 - 80-bit device
7 - Input option 3
8 - Not used
Partition 1 keyfob
Partition 2 keyfob
Partition 3 keyfob
Partition 4 keyfob
Partition 5 keyfob
Partition 6 keyfob
Partition 7 keyfob
Partition 8 keyfob
Zone _____
Assigned to module
1 - Enable sensor
2 - Supervised
3 - Fire supervision
4 - Input option 1
5 - Input option 2
6 - 80-bit device
7 - Input option 3
8 - Not used
Partition 1 keyfob
Partition 2 keyfob
Partition 3 keyfob
Partition 4 keyfob
Partition 5 keyfob
Partition 6 keyfob
Partition 7 keyfob
Partition 8 keyfob
Zone _____
Assigned to module
1 - Enable sensor
2 - Supervised
3 - Fire supervision
4 - Input option 1
5 - Input option 2
6 - 80-bit device
7 - Input option 3
8 - Not used
Partition 1 keyfob
Partition 2 keyfob
Partition 3 keyfob
Partition 4 keyfob
Partition 5 keyfob
Partition 6 keyfob
Partition 7 keyfob
Partition 8 keyfob
Zone _____
Assigned to module
1 - Enable sensor
2 - Supervised
3 - Fire supervision
4 - Input option 1
5 - Input option 2
6 - 80-bit device
7 - Input option 3
8 - Not used
Partition 1 keyfob
Partition 2 keyfob
Partition 3 keyfob
Partition 4 keyfob
Partition 5 keyfob
Partition 6 keyfob
Partition 7 keyfob
Partition 8 keyfob
Table 5. Programming settings (continued)
Location Segment 1 Segment 2
Receiver options (all
defaults off)
1 - Enable jam detect
2 - Enable auto
advance to next
zone number
3 - Keyfob user ID (off
= all keyfobs
report as user 99;
on = keyfob
reports as
learned zone #)
4 - Enable antenna
tamper (only
selectable on
versions; reports
as box tamper)
5 - Enable case
6 - Keyfob disarming
(0 = keyfob
disarm normal; 1
= disarm only
during entry or
partial arm)
7 - Enable wall tamper
(reports as box
8 - Not used
Receiver zone bank
setting (default = 0),
set this before
learning any sensors.
Applies only to NX8E.
Starting zone
numbers by bank
0 = 1
1 = 9
2 = 17
3 = 25
4 = 33
5 = 41
6 = 49
7 = 57
8 = 65
9 = 73
10 = 81
11 = 89
12 = 97
13 = 105
14 = 113
15 = 121
16 = 129
17 = 137
18 = 145
19 = 153
20 = 161
21 = 169
22 = 177
23 = 185
Supervision Windows
Normal ______hours.
(0 to 255 hours;
default = 24 hours)
Fire ______hours.
(0 to 255 hours;
default = 4 hours)
Segment 3:
Short supervision time _____minutes (1 to 30
minutes, default = 40 minutes - disabled)
Do not change Segment 3 setting unless
required. See step 7 under Transmitter supervi-
sion windows on page6.
Table 5. Programming settings (continued)
Location Segment 1 Segment 2