DNA Markers
Precise Sizing Digest of Natural DNAs
50 Base-pair 100 Base-pair KiloBase DRigest III
ladder ladder DNA marker 27-4060-01
27-4005-01 27-4007-01 27-4004-01
500a 2000a 10000 23130b
450 1900 8000 9416
400 1800 6000 6557
350 1700 5000 4361b
300 1600 4000 2322
250 1500 3000 2027
200 1400 2500 1353
150 1300 2000 1078
100 1200 1500 872
50 1100 1000 603
1000 500 564d
900 310
800 281
700 271
600 234
500 194
400 125c
300 118
200 72
a not necessarily the largest size fragment possible, only the largest that is
readily distinguishable
b cos ends are located on these bands
c may not always be visible
Marker code number Recommended gel Loading amount (µg/lane) Heat before loading
27-4005-01 2% agarose/6% polyacrylamide 2.0 No
27-4007-01 1.5% agarose 2.0 No
27-4004-01 0.8% agarose 0.5 No
27-4060-01 1% agarose 0.5–1.0 60–65°C for 2 minutes
RPN2510EUM Appendix 1 Rev C 06/2007 14