CAUTION:This product satisfies FCC regulations when shielded cables and connectors are used to connect the unit to other equipment. To prevent electromagnetic interfer-
encewith electricappliances suchas radiosand televisions,use shieldedcables andconnectors forconnections.
Theexclamation pointwithin anequilateral triangleis intendedto alertthe userto thepresence ofimportant operatingand maintenance(servicing) instructionsin theliter-
atureaccompanying theappliance.
Thelightening flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the prod-
uct’senclosure thatmay beof sufficientmagnitude toconstitute arisk ofelectric shockto persons.
READINSTRUCTIONS: All thesafety andoperating instructionsshould beread beforethe productis operated.
RETAININSTRUCTIONS: The safetyand operatinginstructions shouldbe retainedfor futurereference.
HEEDWARNINGS: All warningson theproduct andin theoperating instructionsshould beadhered to.
FOLLOWINSTRUCTIONS: All operatingand useinstructions shouldbe followed.
CLEANING:The product should be cleaned only with a polishing cloth or a soft dry cloth. Never clean with furniture wax, benzine, insecticides or other volatile liquids since
theymay corrodethe cabinet.
ATTACHMENTS:Do notuse attachmentsnot recommendedby theproduct manufactureras theymay causehazards.
WATERAND MOISTURE: Do not use this product near water, for example, near a bathtub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub; in a wet basement; or near a swimming
pool;and thelike.
ACCESSORIES:Do notplace thisproduct onanunstable cart,stand, tripod,bracket, ortable. Theproductmay fall,causing seriousinjury toa childor adult,andserious dam-
ageto theproduct. Useonly witha cart,stand,tripod, bracket,or tablerecommended bythe manufacturer,or soldwiththe product.Any mountingof theproduct shouldfol-
lowthe manufacturer’sinstructions, andshould usea mountingaccessory recommendedby themanufacturer.
CART:A product and cart combination should be moved with care. Quick stops, excessive force, and uneven surfaces may cause the product and cart combination to over-
turn.See FigureA.
VENTILATION:Slots andopenings inthecabinet areprovided forventilation andto ensurereliableoperation ofthe productand toprotect itfromoverheating, andthese open-
ingsmust notbe blockedor covered.The openingsshould neverbe blockedbyplacing theproduct ona bed,sofa, rug,or othersimilar surface.This productshould notbe
placedin abuilt-in installationsuch asa bookcaseor rackunless properventilation isprovided orthe manufacturer’sinstructions havebeen adheredto.
POWERSOURCES: Thisproduct shouldbe operatedonly fromthetype ofpower sourceindicated onthe markinglabel. Ifyou arenotsure ofthe typeof powersupply toyour
home,consult yourproduct dealeror localpower company.
LOCATION:The applianceshould beinstalled ina stablelocation.
NON-USEPERIODS: The powercord ofthe applianceshould beunplugged fromthe outletwhen leftunused fora longperiod oftime.
•If thisproduct isequipped witha polarizedalternating currentline plug(a plughaving oneblade widerthanthe other),it willfit intothe out-
letonly oneway. Thisis asafety feature.If youare unableto insertthe plugfullyinto theoutlet, tryreversing theplug. Ifthe plugshould still
failto fit,contact yourelectrician toreplace yourobsolete outlet.Do notdefeat thesafety purposeof thepolarized plug.
•If this product is equipped with a three-wire grounding type plug, a plug having a third (grounding) pin, it will only fit into a grounding type
poweroutlet. Thisis asafety feature.If youare unabletoinsert theplug intothe outlet,contact yourelectrician toreplace yourobsolete out-
let.Do notdefeat thesafety purposeof thegrounding typeplug.
POWER-CORDPROTECTION: Power-supplycords shouldbe routedso thatthey arenot likelyto bewalkedon orpinched byitems placedupon oragainst them,paying par-
ticularattention tocords atplugs, conveniencereceptacles, andthe pointwhere theyexit fromthe product.
OUTDOORANTENNA GROUNDING: If an outside antenna or cable system is connected to the product, be sure the antenna or cable system is grounded so as to provide
someprotection against voltage surges and built-up static charges. Article 810 of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, provides information with regard to proper
groundingof themast andsupportingstructure, groundingof thelead-in wiretoan antennadischarge unit,size ofgrounding conductors,locationof antenna-dischargeunit,
connectionto groundingelectrodes, andrequirements forthe groundingelectrode. SeeFigure B.
LIGHTNING:For addedprotection forthis productduring alightening storm,orwhen itis leftunattended andunused forlong periodsof time,unplug itfrom thewalloutlet and
disconnectthe antennaor cablesystem. Thiswill preventdamage tothe productdue tolightening andpower-line surges.
POWERLINES: Anoutside antennasystemshould notbe locatedin thevicinity ofoverhead powerlines orotherelectric lightor powercircuits,
orwhere itcan fallinto suchpower linesor circuits.When installingan outsideantenna system,extreme careshould betaken tokeep from
touchingsuch powerlines orcircuits ascontact withthem mightbe fatal.
OVERLOADING:Do notoverload walloutlets, extensioncords, orintegral conveniencereceptacles asthis canresult ina riskoffire orelectric
OBJECTAND LIQUIDENTRY:Never pushobjects ofany kindinto thisproduct throughopenings asthey maytouch dangerousvoltage points
orshort-out partsthat couldresult ina fireor electricshock. Never spillliquid ofany kindon theproduct.
SERVICING:Do notattempt toservicethis productyourself asopening orremoving coversmay exposeyouto dangerousvoltage orother haz-
ards.Refer allservicing toqualified servicepersonnel.
DAMAGEREQUIRING SERVICE: Unplug thisproduct fromthe walloutlet andrefer servicingto qualifiedservice personnelunder thefollowing conditions:
•When thepower-supply cordor plugis damaged.
•If liquidhas beenspilled, orobjects havefallen intothe product.
•If theproduct hasbeen exposedto rainor water.
•If the product does not operate normally by following the operating instructions. Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating instructions as an improper
adjustmentof othercontrols mayresult indamage andwill oftenrequire extensivework bya qualifiedtechnician torestore theproduct toits normaloperation.
•If theproduct hasbeen droppedor damagedin anyway.
•When theproduct exhibitsa distinctchange inperformance, thisindicates aneed forservice.
REPLACEMENTPARTS: When replacement parts are required, be sure the service technician has used replacement parts specified by the manufacturer or have the same
characteristicsas theoriginal part. Unauthorizedsubstitutions mayresult infire, electricshock, orother hazards.
SAFETYCHECK: Upon completionof anyservice orrepairs tothis product,ask theservice technicianto performsafety checksto determinethat theproduct isin properop-
WALLOR CEILING MOUNTING: The productshould notbe mountedto awall orceiling.
HEAT:Theproduct shouldbe situatedaway fromheat sourcessuch asradiators, heatregisters, stoves,or otherproducts (includingamplifiers) thatproduce heat.






Fig. A
Fig. B