

Problem Cause Correction

The engine will not crank. 1. Fuse blown. 1. Correct short circuit condition, replace 7.5A
fuse in generator
control panel.
2. Loose, corroded or defective 2. Tighten, clean or replace
battery cables. as necessar y.
3. Defective starter motor. 3. *
4. Dead Battery. 4. Charge or replace battery.
The engine cranks but 1. Out of fuel. 1. Replenish fuel/Turn on fuel valve.
will not start. 2. Defective fuel solenoid (FS). 2. *
3. Open #14 wire from 3. *
engine control board.
4. Fouled spark plug(s). 4. Clean, re-gap or replace plug(s).
5. Valve lash out of adjustment. 5. Reset valve lash.
6. Choke not operating. 6. Verify choke plate moves freely.
The engine starts hard 1. Air cleaner plugged 1. Check, replace air cleaner.
and runs rough. or damaged.
2. Fouled spark plug(s). 2. Clean, re-gap or replace plug(s).
3. Fuel pressure incorrect. 3. Confirm fuel pressure to regulator
is 10-12T water column (0.36-0.43 psi) for
4. Choke remains closed. 4. Verify choke solenoid moves freely.
The AUTO/OFF/MANUAL 1. Defective switch. 1. *
switch is set to OFF, but 2. AUTO/OFF/MANUAL switch 2. *
the engine continues wired incorrectly.
to run. 3. Defective control board. 3. *
There is no AC output 1. Main line circuit breaker is in 1. Reset circuit breaker
from the generator. the OFF (or OPEN) position. to ON (or CLOSED).
2. Generator internal failure. 2. *
Unit consumes large 1. Engine over filled with oil. 1. Adjust oil to proper level.
amounts of oil.** 2. Improper type or viscosity of oil. 2. See "Engine Oil Recommendations".
3. Damaged gasket, seal or hose. 3. Check for oil leaks.
4. Engine breather defective. 4. *
* Contact the nearest Dealer for assistance.
** Most of the oil may be consumed in the oil reservoir between 500 hour service intervals. This is especially true during the first
500 hours of use.