1.Set the generator’s 50 amp circuit breaker to its OFF (or open) position.
2.Turn OFF the utility power supply to the transfer switch using the means provided (such as a utility main line circuit breaker or supplementary 70 amp circuit breaker installed in main panel.
Do not attempt to activate the transfer switch manually until all power voltage supplies to the switch have been positively turned off. Failure to turn off all power voltage supplies may result in extremely hazardous and possibly fatal electrical shock.
3.Remove 4 hex bolts holding on transfer switch cover. Remove cover.
4.Use the manual transfer handle inside the transfer switch (attached to sidewall with wingnut) to move the main contacts to their “Standby” position, i.e., loads connected to the standby power source (Figure 1). Replace handle on side of box.
5.Insert the NEMA
6.Start the generator.
7.Let the engine stabilize and warm up for a few minutes.
8.Set the generator’s 50 amp circuit breaker to its’ ON (or closed) position.
Figure 1 - Manual Transfer Switch Operation
9.Turn ON the utility power supply to the transfer switch using the means provided (such as utility main line circuit breaker) or supplementary 70 amp circuit breaker you have installed in the main panel.
Choose a lamp or light fixture located in a frequently occupied area of the house as a signal light to tell you when utility power has returned. This light should be on a utility powered circuit only so it operates independent of the generator.
When utility power has been restored, you will want to transfer back to that source and shut down the generator. This can be accomplished as follows:
1.Set the generator’s 50 amp circuit breaker to its OFF (or open) position.
2.Let the engine run for a minute or two at
3.Turn off the generator.
4.Turn OFF the utility power supply to the transfer switch using the means provided (such as a utility main line circuit breaker or the supplementary 70 amp circuit breaker that was installed in the main panel).
Do not attempt to activate the transfer switch manually until all power voltage supplies to the switch have positively turned off. Failure to turn off all power voltage supplies may result in extremely hazardous and possibly fatal electrical shock.
5.Remove transfer switch cover.
6.Use manual transfer handle to move the main contacts to their “utility” position, i.e., load connected to the utility power source (Figure 1). Replace handle on inside of transfer switch box. Replace transfer switch cover.
7.Turn ON the utility power supply to the transfer switch using the means provided (such as the utility main line circuit breaker or the supplementary 70 amp circuit breaker installed in the main panel.
8.Remove the NEMA
After utilizing the 5 ft. electrical power cord for operation with the GUARDIAN® ULTRA SOURCE portable generator you must remove it. Open the external connection box. Remove the fasteners holding the Black, Red, White, and Green wires in place. Remove wires from threaded lugs and from under ground screw. Replace fasteners and ground screw. Loosen the cable clamp and slide the power cord out of the external connection box. Store the power cord with your GUARDIAN® ULTRA SOURCE portable generator.