| Patent: |
| ZL 2006 2 0122522.X |
| Nr. 20 2006 012 052.1 |
| M308308 |
| GB 06 1 6099.8 |
Features | 06 07229 (France) |
Offers up to 1200 LBS Holding Force.
Anodized aluminum housing.
Groove template & housing for easy installation.
Dual voltage 12 or 24 VDC (selectable).
Complete mounting hardware included.
The NH series electromagnet lock is an important mounting plate design breakthrough. The mounting plate is designed with a well engineered sliding mechanism that makes electromagnet considerably easy to clasp the mounting plate to allow security of use and maximize the ease of installation. Therefore, even if used for longer periods, the tricky innovation in its design will prevent the electromagnet of being falling when the screw are loosening up .
Standard Electromagnetic Lock
Special Mounting Plate design
Fasten the mounting plate on t h e s i t e t h e n i n s t a l l e l e c t r o m a g n e t l o c k w i t h power lead cable through mounting plate slot hole.
For assembling the mounting plate and the electromagnet lock into the groove, please m a k e t h e m a r k o n t h e mounting plate and the mark on the electromagnet lock itself to be a straight line for alignment. Either aligning from left side or from right side is feasible.
Slide the electromagnetic lock to fit with the mounting plate as the drawing. Once t h e c o r r e c t p o s i t i o n i s encountered, use the Allen Wrench to fasten the fixing screws through the bottom of the electromagnet lock into the mounting plate.
A f t e r t h e e l e c t r o m a g n e t firmly assembled with the m o u n t i n g p l a t e , u s e t h e screws to fasten the lock on the site permanently.
Voltage Tolerance: 15%
Current Draw: 500mA@12Vdc;250mA@24Vdc (at 20 degree centigrade)
Operating Temperature from
Humidity: 0~95%
Holding Force: Up to 1200 lbs (545 Kg)
Magnet:(L) 267, (W) 71, (D) 40 mm Armature Plate:(L) 185, (W) 62, (D) 16 mm Mounting Plate:(L) 267, (W) 40, (D) 8 mm
Finishes for magnet and armature plate: Zinc
Epoxy Potting Compound: E87252 (S),
Weight (Approx.): 4.8 Kg
No. 13, Zhong Sing Road,
Website: gianni.tw
ZL 2006 2 0122522.X (China) Nr. 20 2006 012 052.1(Germany) M308308 (Taiwan)
GB 06 1 6099.8 (Great Britain)
06 07229 (France)
The product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship while used in normal service for a period of 5 year from the date of sale to the original customer. The GEM policy is one of continual development and improvement; therefore GEM reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
The products are manufactured under an ISO 9 0 0 1 & Q C 0 8 0 0 0 0 C e r t i f i e d Q u a l i t y Management Program environment back its product quality, performance and commitment to customer satisfaction.
Copyright 2008 Gianni industries, inc. All rights reserved.