Easiprox Split Stand-Alone Proximity Access Control System
Unit: mm
The Easiprox Split system is a low cost
The read head is rated IP67 and can be installed in an outdoors location. The system can store the codes of 2000 unique tags. Adding and deleting tags is done by simple use of a Master Tag. The optional Tag Simulator / Programming Unit allows the programming (adding & deleting) of lost tags. The Relay can operate in Pulse or Toggle mode.
Operating Voltage: 10~14 Vdc or 8~12 V ac .
Current Draw: Average 70mA , Peak 110 mA @ 12 V DC
Relays Electric Current: 3A MAX @24Vdc .
Memory Volume: 2000 Proximity cards/tokens .
Proximity Cards: 125 KHz,
Read Range : Up to 10 cm (Depending on local installation
Conditions) .
Case Material: ABS (UL94V0)
Operating Temperature:
Ambient Humidity: 5~95% relative humidity
Yellow: Power on
Green: Add Tags
Red: Delete Tags
Yellow/Red: Clear Memory
Yellow(flashing): strike mode and timer adjust
programs and codes after a total loss of power.
Output: Dual relay, N.O. / N.C. / Com. Output (free voltage
Relocking Timer:
No. 13, Zhong Sing Road,
Website: gianni.tw
System Features
2 , 0 0 0 c a r d s h o l d e r r e g i s t r a t i o n provides a powerful extended range for common community application.
Split of units for controller board and reader head in ranging up to 50 M bring out the friendly system device for low cost but high security with a n t i - t a m p e r i n g a s w e l l a s convenience and reliability.
Field proven unique Master card to add or delete cards holder gives the minimized in convenience of numeric PIN codes password.
and extra computer literacy.
IP67 Rating stands against extremely h e a v y w e a t h e r c o n d i t i o n w h i l e
O p t i o n a l i m p l e m e n t , T S - 9 8 0 simulator runs to rise satisfactory of c a r d s h o l d e r m a n a g e m e n t facilitation.
The products are manufactured under an ISO 9 0 0 1 & Q C 0 8 0 0 0 0 C e r t i f i e d Q u a l i t y Management Program environment back its product quality, performance and commitment to customer satisfaction.
Copyright 2008 Gianni industries, inc. All rights reserved.