Go-Video VR2945 Which discs you can use, Disc-related Terms, Title DVD only, Chapter DVD only

Models: VR2945

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Which discs you can use

The following discs can be used in your DVD Recorder+VCR:

Playback and recording

DVD+RW (Digital Versatile Disc + ReWritable)

DVD+R (Digital Versatile Disc + Write-Once)

Playback only

DVD Video (Digital Versatile Disc)

DVD-R (DVD-Recordable): These discs can only be played back if the recording was made in ‘Video mode‘ and the recording was finalized.

DVD-RW (DVD-Rerecordable): These discs can only be played back if the recording was made in ‘Video mode‘ and the recording was finalized.

Audio CD (Compact Disc Digital Audio)

CD-R (CD recordable) Audio/ MP3 files

CD-RW (CD rewritable) Audio/ MP3 files

• Not all recordable CDs may be played by your player.

Disc-related Terms

Title (DVD only)

The main film, accompanying feature content, or music album. Each title is assigned a title reference number enabling you to locate it easily.

Chapter (DVD only)

Sections of a movie or a musical piece that are smaller than titles. A title is composed of one or several chapters. Each chapter is assigned a number to enable you to easily locate the chapter you want. Depending on the disc, chapters may not be labeled.

Track (Audio CD only)

Sections of a movie or a musical piece on an audio CD. Each track is assigned a number, enabling you to easily locate the track you want.


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Go-Video VR2945 Which discs you can use, Disc-related Terms, Title DVD only, Chapter DVD only, Track Audio CD only