Alante DX/LT Owner’s Manual Rev A_011811
Alternatively, you may charge the battery pack directly.
1. Remove the battery pack from the power chair.
2. Locate the charger port at the rear side of the battery pack and swing the cover out
of the way.
3. Plug the charger into the battery pack socket.
Figure 33
4. Insert the plug at the other end of the charger power cord into a standard electrical
wall outlet.
5. Disconnect the charger power cord from the wall outlet and from the battery pack
charging socket when the batteries are fully charged.
NOTE: The batteries should be fully charged in eight hours. A full charge is indicated
when the green light on the battery charger side panel turns on and all 10 joystick LEDs
are lit when joystick is turned on.
To wall outlet
Charger port