LATCHcan be used INPLACEOFthe vehicle belt system. Please
refer to vehicle owners manual for LATCHlocations.
This lap belt stays loose and can move until it locks
in a crash or sudden stop.
• CombinationLap/ShoulderBeltwithRetractor
Each strap has a retractor at one end and is
attached to the latch plate at the other end.
• PassiveRestraint-LapBeltwithMotorized
• PassiveRestraint-Lapor
DONOTuse vehicle belts that
are attached to the door in any
way or that move along a track
to automatically surround the
passenger when the door is closed.
• LapBeltsForwardofSeatCrease
DONOTuse any of the following systems to secure the infant restraint.

5.2.1 UNSAFE Vehicle Belt Systems