Failure to properly use this child restraint increases the risk of serious injury or death in a sharp WXUQVXGGHQVWRSRUFUDVK<RXUFKLOG¶VVDIHW\GHSHQGVRQ\RXLQVWDOOLQJDQGXVLQJWKLVFKLOG restraint correctly. (YHQLIXVLQJWKLVFKLOGUHVWUDLQWVHHPVHDV\WR¿JXUHRXWRQ\RXURZQLWLVYHU\LPSRUWDQWWR5($' THE OWNER’S MANUAL and the vehicle owner’s manual.
Your child’s safety depends on:
1.Choosing the correct mode of use for the child restraint depending on your child’s size.
2.Inserting the harness straps (if needed) in the proper slots for your child.
3.Selecting a suitable location for the child restraint in your vehicle.
4.Properly routing the vehicle seat belt or LATCH.
5.Properly securing the child restraint in the vehicle using a seat belt designed to restrain both the child restraint and your child or by using LATCH. Many seat belts are NOT safe to use with this child restraintHYHQWKRXJKWKH\FDQHDVLO\EHWKUHDGHGWKURXJKRUDURXQGWKHchild restraint!
6.Properly securing your child in the child restraint.