bR]$ECTIoN HAZARD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | IF 1 W E , ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ |
Fluids under high pressure from spray or leaks can penetratetheskinandcauseextremelyserious
injury, including the need for amputation.
Do not spray flammable liquids. Do not operate the
enginewherecombustiblefumesordustmay be present.
NEVER point the spray gun at anyone or any part of the body.
GAS~ W E ~ A ~ K S O ~ $
NEVER put hand or fingers over the spray tip, |
| NEVER fill fuel tank while engine is runningor hot. |
| ||||||||||||||
| Avoidthepossibilityofspilledfuelcausingafire. |
| ||||||||||||||
NEVER try to stop or deflect leaks with your hand or | Always refuel slowly to avoid spillage. |
| |||||||||||||
| ||||||||||
body. |
| NEVER operate enginein a closedbuilding | unlessthe |
| ||||||
| exhaustispipedoutsideTheexhaustcontains. |
| ||||
ALWAYS have the tip guardin place when spraying. | carbon monoxide, a poisonous, | odorlessand invisible |
| ||||||||||||||
MEDICAL ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ | F | \ | m | E | gas, which, if breathed, may cause serious illnessor |
| ||||||||
~ ~ |
| ||||||||||
| possibly death. |
Ifany | fluid appears | topenetrateyourskin, |
| get | NEVER make adjustments on machinery while | it is |
| |||||||||
EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE AT ONCE. | connectedtothe | engine; | firstremovetheignition |
| |||||||||||||
| cablefromthe | spark | plugTurningoverthe. |
| |||||||||
Tell the doctor exactly what fluid was iniected. | For | machinery by handduringadjusting | or | cleaning |
| ||||||||||||
treatmentinstruction'shaveyourdoctorcallthe |
| mightstarttheengineandmachinerycausing. |
| ||||||||||
| serious injury to the operator. |
| |||||||||
| NEVER run the engine with governor disconnected. |
| ||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
| or operats at speeds in excess of 3600 RPM load. |
| |||||||||||||
Even after you shut off the gasoline engine, there is | Precaution is thebest insurance against anaccident. |
| |||||||||||||||
high pressure in the pump, hose and gun until you | When starting the engine, maintain | a safe distance |
| ||||||||||||||
release it by triggering the gun.So before removing | from moving parts of the equipment. |
| ||||||||||||
the spray tip or servicing | the unit, | always | shut | offthe | g: R]E A h p""v@%7"":~ | ~ |
| " |
| ~ | ~ ~ | ~ | |||||
unit andtrigger the gun to release pressure. |
| ||||||||
Be | surethat | all accessory | itemsandsystem |
| NEVER runtheunitwiththebeltguard | removed. |
| ||||||||||
components will withstand the pressure developed. | Keep clear of moving partswhen the unitis running. |
| |||||||||||||||
NEVER exceed the pressure rating of any component |
| |||||||||
in system..NEVER alter or modify equipment | Observedetergen'tmanufacturer'ssafety |
| |||||||||||||
personalsafety, | as | well as | thefunction | of | the | precautions. Avoid getting detergentor other liquids |
| ||||||||||
equipment, isatstake. Maximum working pressure | in your eyes. Follow the directions on the container |
| |||||||||||||||
1800 PSI (124 bar). |
| regardingcontactwith |
| eyes. nose, and | skin, |
| |||||
Before eachuse, check hose for weak, worn or damaged | breathingfumes, etc. Alwayswear full goggles to |
| |||||||||||||||
protect youreyes from thespray as wejl as any debris |
| ||||||||||||||||
conditions caused by traffic, sharp corners, pinching or | dislodged by the spray. If necessary. | wear gloves or |
| ||||||||||||||
kinking.Tighten | all fluid connections securely before | otherprotectiveclothing.Ifantidotesortreatment |
| |||||||||||||
each use. Replace any damaged hose. |
| are recommended, be prepared | to use them. |
| ||||||||||
Do not use chemicalsor | agentswhichare not | compatible | D O N 1 spray toxic chemicals such as insecticide | or |
| ||||||||||||
with |
| weed killer. |
Do not leave a pressurizedunit unattended. Shutoff the unit and release Dressure before
United States Government safety standards have been adopted under the Occupational Safetyand Health Act. These standards
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