ingine Will Not Start )r Hard To Start.
Engine Misses Or Lacks 'ower
.ow Pressure
No gasoline in fuel tank or carburetor.
Water in gasoline or old fuel.
Chokedimproperly. Flooded engine.
Dirty carburetor air filter.
Spark plug dirty or improper gap.
Spray gun closed.
Partially plugged air filter.
Spark plug dirty, wrong gap, or wrong type.
Incorrect ignition timing.
Worn nozzle.
Air leak in inlet DlUmbing
Relief valve stuck, partially plugged or improperly adjusted; valve seat worn.
Inlet suction strainer clogged01 improper size.
Worn packing. Abrasives in pumped fluid or severe cavita- tion. Inadequate water supply.
Fill the tank with gasoline, open fuel
Check fuel line and carburetor.
Drain fuel tank and carburetor. Use new fuel and dry spark plug.
Open choke and crank engine several timeso clear out the gas.
Remove and clean.
Clean, adjust the gap or replace.
Trigger spray gun.
Remove and clean.
Clean, adjust the gap, or replace.
Time engine.
Replace with nozzle of proper size.
Tighten or replace; use correct beltsand replace
both at same time. Disassemble,reseal, and reassemble.
Clean, and adjust relief valve; check for worn and dirty valve seats. Kit available.
Clean.Use adequate size.Check more frequently.
Install proper filter. Check flow available to pump.
Fouled or dirty inlet or dischargfClean inlet and discharge valve assemblies. valves.
'ump runs extremely rough )ressure low.
Worn inlet or discharge valves. Leakv discharge hose
Restricted inlet or air entering the inlet plumbing.
Inlet restrictions and/or air leaks. Stuck inlet or discharge valve.
Replace worn valves, valve seats and/or discharge hose.
Pro er size inlet plumbing; check for air tight
Clean out foreign material,replace worn valves.
. .
.,- '
Nater kaka e fromunder he manifolcf!
Nater in pump crankcase.
'requent orprematurefailurl )f the packmg.
strong surging at the inlet nnd low pressure on the lischarge side.
Leaking H.P. seals.
Worn packing.
May be caused by humid air condensing into water Insidethe crankcase.
Scored plungers.
Over pressure to inlet manifold
Damaged or worn plungers.
Abrasive material in the fluid being pumped.
Excessive pressure and./or temperature of fluld bemg
Over pressure of pumps.
Running pump dry.
Foreign particles in the inlet or
discharge valve, or worn inlet and/or discharge valves.
ReDlace seals.
Install new packing.
Change oil at 3 month or 5CO Hour intervals using Crankcase Oil (other ap roved oilevery month or 200 hours) P.N.
Replace plungers.
Reduce inlet pressure.
Replace plungers.
Install proper filtration on pump inletplumbing.
Check pressures andfluid inlet temperature;be jure they are within specifled range.
?educe pressure.
30 not run pump without water.
:heck for smooth lap surfaces on inlet and
$ischar e valve seats. Discharge valve seats and nlet vabeseats mavbe lapped on averyfineoll ;tone
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