Always disconnect power to the machine before performing maintenance. Failure to do this may result in serious person- al injury.


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Every 8 Hours of Operation: ™ 8aZVci]ZbVX]^cZ#

™ AjWg^XViZWVaad^aZghPage 31#

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ssAjWg^XViZaZVYhXgZlhPage 32#

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Every 120 Hours of Operation:

™ AjWg^XViZYdlc[ZZY\ZVghPage 33# ™ AjWg^XViZedlZg[ZZY\ZVghPage 33#

Note: This maintenance schedule is based on average usage. Adjust the maintenance schedule to match your actual usage to keep your mill run- ning smoothly and to protect your investment.


Cleaning &


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Grizzly G0520 owner manual Maintenance, Schedule, Cleaning Protecting, Lubrication, Every 120 Hours of Operation