Power Feed
Ndjg b^aa ^h Zfj^eeZY l^i] V adc\^ijY^cVa edlZg [ZZY VcY a^b^i hl^iX] [dg XdcigdaaZY M"Vm^h iVWaZ bdkZbZci#GZ[ZgidFigure 23VcYi]Z[daadl^c\ YZhXg^ei^dchidjcYZghiVcYi]Z[jcXi^dchd[i]ZhZ YZk^XZh#
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Figure 23.Adc\^ijY^cVaedlZg[ZZYhnhiZb# |
A.Limit Switch: Hideh edlZgZY iVWaZ bdkZ" bZcil]ZcZ^i]Zga^b^ihideegZhhZhVeajc\Zg dci]Zhl^iX]#
B.Limit Stop: 6Xi^kViZhi]Za^b^ihl^iX]#HZXjgZ i]ZhZ YZk^XZh Vadc\ i]Z a^b^i hadi id Xdc[^cZ iVWaZbdkZbZci#
C. Rapid Movement Button: L]Zc egZhhZY! bdkZhi]ZiVWaZVii]ZbVm^bjbheZZY^ci]Z Y^gZXi^dchZaZXiZY#
D. Direction Lever: HiVgih!gZkZghZh!VcYhideh adc\^ijY^cVaiVWaZbdkZbZci#
E.Speed Dial: 8dcigdahi]ZheZZYi]Vii]ZiVWaZ
bdkZh ijgc i]Z Y^Va XadX`l^hZ id ^cXgZVhZ i]ZheZZY#
F.ON/OFF Switch: I]Z bVhiZg edlZg hl^iX] [dgi]ZedlZg[ZZY#
G.Power Lamp: A^\]ihl]Zci]ZedlZg[ZZY^h ijgcZYON#
H.Ball Handle: BVcjVaanedh^i^dchi]ZiVWaZ#
I.Graduated Dial: BVg`ZY ^c %#%%& ^cXgZ" bZcih! ZVX] XdbeaZiZ gZkdaji^dc ^h ZfjVa id %#&%%d[adc\^ijY^cVaiVWaZigVkZa#
Stay away from the spinning longitudinal handwheel and ball handle when using the power feed to avoid entanglement and per- sonal injury.
Tools NeededQty
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To operate the longitudinal power feed:
1. AddhZci]ZiVWaZadX`hhZZFigure 24#
Figure 24.IVWaZadX`!a^b^ihl^iX]!VcYa^b^ihide#
2. Edh^i^dc i]Z a^b^i hideh id Xdc[^cZ i]Z adc\^" ijY^cVaY^hiVcXZndjlVcii]ZiVWaZidigVkZa! i]Zci^\]iZci]ZXVehXgZlhidhZXjgZi]Zb^c eaVXZ#
Be sure there is enough running clearance between the table, spindle, vise/clamps, or jigs before turning the power feed ON. Be aware that all of these objects represent potential pinch points.