440V Conversion
The Model G0549 can be converted for 440V
Order the Model G0549 440V Conversion Kit (P/N P0549717) by calling our Customer Service at (800)
The 440V conversion procedure requires moderate electrical skill and knowledge, and the rewiring must be inspected by a licensed electrician before the saw is connected to power. Heed this warning to avoid the risk of serious personal injury from electrocution or damage to the saw.
To convert the Model G0549 for 440V opera- tion:
2.Open the electrical panel, then replace the overload relay with the one from the 440V conversion kit (see Figure 4).
Trip Load Dial
Figure 4. Model G0549 overload relay inside the
electrical panel.
3.Move the wire that is connected to the R1 terminal on the transformer to the one above the 440V terminal, as illustrated in Figure 5.
| 440V |
| 2 | R2 | R1 | T1 |
PE | 220V | 0V | 440V 380V 220V | 0V |
| Transformer |
Figure 5. Rewiring the transform for 440V
4.Make sure the trip load dial of the overload relay is set at 12 amps (see Figure 4).
5.Wire the motor as shown on the inside of the motor wiring junction box cover for 440V operation.
Note: The illustration in Figure 6 is provided for your reference and was current at the time that this manual update was printed. However, always use the diagram on the wir- ing junction box cover that comes with your motor.
X1 Y1Z1
W6 U6 V6
U2V2 W2
U5 V5 W5
U1 V1 W1
U1 V1 W1