Grounding Requirements

I]^h bVX]^cZ BJHI WZ \gdjcYZY# >c i]Z ZkZci d[XZgiV^cbVa[jcXi^dchdgWgZV`Ydlch!\gdjcY^c\ gZYjXZh i]Z g^h` d[ ZaZXig^X h]dX` Wn egdk^Y^c\ V eVi]d[aZVhigZh^hiVcXZ[dgZaZXig^XXjggZci#

>begdeZgXdccZXi^dcd[i]ZZfj^ebZci"\gdjcY^c\ l^gZ XVc gZhjai ^c V g^h` d[ ZaZXig^X h]dX`# I]Z l^gZl^i]\gZZc^chjaVi^dcl^i]dgl^i]djinZaadl hig^eZh^hi]ZZfj^ebZci"\gdjcY^c\l^gZ#>[gZeV^g dggZeaVXZbZcid[i]ZedlZgXdgYdgeaj\^hcZX" ZhhVgn!YdcdiXdccZXii]ZZfj^ebZci"\gdjcY^c\ l^gZidVa^kZXjggZciXVggn^c\iZgb^cVa#

8]ZX`l^i]VfjVa^[^ZYZaZXig^X^VcdghZgk^XZeZg" hdccZa^[ndjYdcdijcYZghiVcYi]ZhZ\gdjcY^c\ gZfj^gZbZcih!dg^[ndjVgZ^cYdjWiVWdjil]Zi]Zg i]Z idda ^h egdeZgan \gdjcYZY# >[ ndj ZkZg cdi^XZ i]Vi V XdgY dg eaj\ ^h YVbV\ZY dg ldgc! Y^hXdc" cZXi^i[gdbedlZg!VcY^bbZY^ViZangZeaVXZ^il^i] VcZldcZ#

Serious injury could occur if you connect the machine to power before completing the setup process. DO NOT connect to power until instructed later in this manual.

For 110V operation: I]^h bVX]^cZ ^h Zfj^eeZY l^i]VedlZgXdgYi]Vi]VhVcZfj^ebZci"\gdjcY" ^c\l^gZVcYV\gdjcY^c\eaj\hZZ[daadl^c\[^\" jgZ#I]Zeaj\bjhidcanWZ^chZgiZY^cidVbViX]" ^c\ gZXZeiVXaZ djiaZi i]Vi ^h egdeZgan ^chiVaaZY VcY\gdjcYZY^cVXXdgYVcXZl^i]VaaadXVaXdYZh VcYdgY^cVcXZh#




5-15 PLUG

CZjigVa =di

Figure 2. Ine^XVa*"&*eaj\VcYgZXZeiVXaZ#



Two-prong outlets do not meet the grounding requirements for this machine. Do not modify or use an adapter on the plug provided—if it will not fit the outlet, have a qualified electrician install the proper outlet with a verified ground.

For 220V operation: I]Z eaj\ heZX^[^ZY jcYZg ¸8^gXj^i GZfj^gZbZcih [dg ''%K¹ dc i]Z egZk^djh eV\Z]VhV\gdjcY^c\egdc\i]VibjhiWZViiVX]ZY idi]ZZfj^ebZci"\gdjcY^c\l^gZdci]Z^cXajYZY edlZg XdgY# I]Z eaj\ bjhi dcan WZ ^chZgiZY ^cid V bViX]^c\ gZXZeiVXaZ hZZ [daadl^c\ [^\jgZ i]Vi ^hegdeZgan^chiVaaZYVcY\gdjcYZY^cVXXdgYVcXZ l^i]VaaadXVaXdYZhVcYdgY^cVcXZh#




6-15 PLUG


Figure 3. Ine^XVa+"&*eaj\VcYgZXZeiVXaZ#


Page 12
Image 12
Grizzly G0555LX owner manual Grounding Requirements, IneXVa*&*eaj\VcYgZXZeiVXaZ#