Grizzly G0555LX Cleanup, Basic steps for removing rust preventative,  EjidchVZin\aVhhZh#

Models: G0555LX

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I]Z jceV^ciZY hjg[VXZh d[ ndjg bVX]^cZ VgZ XdViZY l^i] V ]ZVkn"Yjin gjhi egZkZciVi^kZ i]Vi egZkZcih Xdggdh^dc Yjg^c\ h]^ebZci VcY hidgV\Z# I]^hgjhiegZkZciVi^kZldg`hZmigZbZanlZaa!Wji^i l^aaiV`ZVa^iiaZi^bZidXaZVc#

7Z eVi^Zci VcY Yd V i]dgdj\] _dW XaZVc^c\ ndjg bVX]^cZ#I]Zi^bZndjheZcYYd^c\i]^hcdll^aa \^kZndjVWZiiZgVeegZX^Vi^dc[dgi]ZegdeZgXVgZ d[ndjgbVX]^cZhjceV^ciZYhjg[VXZh#

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Before cleaning, gather the following: ™ 9^hedhVWaZGV\h

™ 8aZVcZg$YZ\gZVhZgL9™)%ldg`hlZaa ™ HV[Zin\aVhhZhY^hedhVWaZ\adkZh

™ EaVhi^XeV^cihXgVeZgdei^dcVa

Basic steps for removing rust preventative:

1. EjidchV[Zin\aVhhZh#

2. 8dVi i]Z gjhi egZkZciVi^kZ l^i] V a^WZgVa Vbdjcid[XaZVcZg$YZ\gZVhZg!i]ZcaZi^ihdV` [dg*¶&%b^cjiZh#

3. L^eZd[[i]Zhjg[VXZh#>[ndjgXaZVcZg$YZ\gZVh" Zg^hZ[[ZXi^kZ!i]ZgjhiegZkZciVi^kZl^aal^eZ d[[ZVh^an#>[ndj]VkZVeaVhi^XeV^cihXgVeZg! hXgVeZd[[VhbjX]VhndjXVc[^ghi!i]Zcl^eZ d[[i]ZgZhil^i]i]ZgV\#

4. GZeZViSteps 2–3VhcZXZhhVgnjci^aXaZVc! i]ZcXdViVaajceV^ciZYhjg[VXZhl^i]VfjVa^in bZiVaegdiZXiVciidegZkZcigjhi#


Gasoline or products with low flash points can explode or cause fire if used to clean machin- ery. Avoid cleaning with these products.

Many cleaning solvents are toxic if concentrat- ed amounts are inhaled. Only work in a well-venti- lated area.


Avoid chlorine-based solvents, such as acetone or brake parts cleaner, that may damage painted surfaces. Test all cleaners in an inconspicuous area before using to make sure they will not damage paint.


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Grizzly G0555LX owner manual Cleanup, Basic steps for removing rust preventative,  EjidchVZin\aVhhZh#