Additional Safety for Table Saws

1.SAFETY ACCESSORIES.6alVnhjhZi]Z WaVYZ\jVgYVcYg^k^c\`c^[ZdcVaai]gdj\]" hVl^c\ deZgVi^dch# Through-sawing oper- ations are those when the blade cuts com- pletely through the workpiece.

2.KICKBACK. 7Z [Vb^a^Vg l^i] `^X`WVX`# @^X`WVX` ]VeeZch l]Zc i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ ^h i]gdlcidlVgYhi]ZdeZgVidgViV]^\]gViZ d[ heZZY# Until you have a clear under- standing of kickback and how it occurs, DO NOT operate this table saw!

3.WORKPIECE CONTROL. BV`Z hjgZ i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ^heaVXZY^cVhiVWaZedh^i^dcdc i]ZiVWaZVcY^hZ^i]ZghjeedgiZYWni]Zg^e [ZcXZ dg i]Z XgdhhXji iVWaZ Yjg^c\ Xjii^c\ deZgVi^dch#

4.PUSH STICK. 6alVnh jhZ V ejh] hi^X` l]Zcg^ee^c\cVggdlhidX`#

5.OPERATOR POSITION. CZkZg hiVcY dg ]VkZ Vcn eVgi d[ ndjg WdYn Y^gZXian ^c"a^cZ l^i]i]ZXjii^c\eVi]d[i]ZhVlWaVYZ#

6.AWKWARD OPERATIONS. 6kd^Y Vl`" lVgYdeZgVi^dchVcY]VcYedh^i^dchl]ZgZ V hjYYZc ha^e XdjaY XVjhZ ndjg ]VcY id bdkZ^cidi]Zhe^cc^c\hVlWaVYZ#

7.RIVING KNIFE ALIGNMENT. Dcan deZg" ViZi]ZhVl^[i]Zg^k^c\`c^[Z^hVa^\cZYl^i] i]ZbV^cWaVYZ#

8.REACHING OVER SAW BLADE. CZkZg gZVX]WZ]^cYdgdkZgi]ZWaVYZl^i]Z^i]Zg ]VcY l]^aZ i]Z hVl ^h gjcc^c\# If kick- back occurs while reaching over the blade, hands or arms will be pulled into the spin- ning saw blade.

9.RIP FENCE AND CROSSCUT FENCE USAGE. L]Zc jh^c\ i]Z g^e [ZcXZ Vh V hide WadX` [dg i]Z XgdhhXji [ZcXZ! i]Z g^e [ZcXZbjhiWZ^c[gdcid[i]ZWaVYZ#

10.CUT-OFF WORKPIECES. Ijgc hVl OFF WZ[dgZgZbdk^c\ldg`e^ZXZXji"d[[h#

11.BLADE HEIGHT.6alVnhVY_jhii]ZWaVYZ idi]ZegdeZg]Z^\]iVWdkZi]Zldg`e^ZXZ#

12.DAMAGED SAW BLADES. CZkZg jhZ WaVYZh i]Vi ]VkZ WZZc YgdeeZY dg di]Zg" l^hZYVbV\ZY#

13.EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES. >[ Vi Vcn i^bZ ndj VgZ ZmeZg^ZcX^c\ Y^[[^Xjai^Zh eZg[dgb^c\ i]Z ^ciZcYZY deZgVi^dc! hide jh^c\ i]Z bVX]^cZ 8dciVXi djg HZgk^XZ 9ZeVgibZciVi*,%*)+".++(#

Like all machines there is danger associ- ated with the Model G0674. Accidents are frequently caused by lack of familiarity or failure to pay attention. Use this machine with respect and caution to lessen the pos- sibility of operator injury. If normal safety precautions are overlooked or ignored, seri- ous personal injury may occur.

No list of safety guidelines can be complete. Every shop environment is different. Always consider safety first, as it applies to your individual working conditions. Use this and other machinery with caution and respect. Failure to do so could result in serious per- sonal injury, damage to equipment, or poor work results.



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Grizzly G0674 owner manual Additional Safety for Table Saws