Moving & Placing

Saw Base Unit

The Model G0674 is a heavy machine that weighs over 900 lbs. Serious personal injury may occur if safe mov- ing methods are not fol- lowed. To be safe, you will need assistance and power equipment when moving the shipping crate and removing the machine from the crate.

To remove the saw base unit from the crate pallet:

1. GZbdkZi]Zided[i]ZXgViZVcYedh^i^dci]Z [dg`a^[i[dg`hid\Zi]ZgVcYY^gZXianWZcZVi]i]Z XZciZg edgi^dc d[ i]Z hVl WVhZ jc^i Figure 11#


Figure 11.A^[i^c\i]ZhVlWVhZjc^i#


DO NOT lift the table saw any higher than necessary to clear the floor. Serious per- sonal injury and damage to the machine may occur if safe moving methods are not followed.

2. L^i]VcVhh^hiVcidgildid]ZaehiVW^a^oZi]Z adVY!a^[ii]ZhVlWVhZjc^i_jhi]^\]Zcdj\] idXaZVgi]ZeVaaZi!VcYbdkZ^iidndjgegZYZ" iZgb^cZYadXVi^dc#

3. AdlZg i]Z hVl WVhZ jc^i dcid i]Z [ZZi VcY WVX`i]Z[dg`a^[iVlVn#



Figure 12.;ddi^chiVaaZY^chVlWVhZjc^iaZ\#

4. EaVXZVaZkZadci]ZhVliVWaZVcYVY_jhii]Z [ZZihdi]ZhVliVWaZ^haZkZa[gdbaZ[i"id"g^\]i VcY [gdb [gdci"id"WVX`# I]^h l^aa Vaadl i]Z iVWaZidha^YZhbddi]an#

5. AdX`i]Z[ZZi^cedh^i^dcWni^\]iZc^c\i]Z_Vb cjiV\V^chii]ZXVW^cZiaZ\#


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Grizzly G0674 owner manual Moving & Placing Saw Base Unit, Dg`AdXVidc