Stock Inspection and Requirements

Here are some rules to follow when choos- ing stock for the jointer/planer:

™ DO NOT joint or surface plane stock that contains knots. >c_jgn id i]Z deZgVidg dg YVbV\Z id i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ XVc dXXjg ^[ i]Z `cdih WZXdbZ Y^hadY\ZY Yjg^c\ i]Z Xjii^c\ deZgVi^dc#

™ DO NOT joint or surface plane against the grain direction. 8jii^c\ V\V^chi i]Z \gV^c ^cXgZVhZhi]Za^`Za^]ddYd[hidX``^X`WVX`!Vh lZaaVhiZVg"djidci]Zldg`e^ZXZ#

™ Jointing and surface planing with the grain produces a better finish and is safer for the operator. 8jii^c\ l^i] i]Z \gV^c ^h YZhXg^WZY Vh [ZZY^c\ i]Z hidX` hd i]Z \gV^c ed^cih Ydlc VcY idlVgY ndj dc i]Z _d^ciZg Figure 28dgVlVn[gdbndjdci]ZeaVcZg Figure 29!Vhk^ZlZY[gdbi]ZZY\Z#


With Grain


Against Grain

Figure 29#8dggZXiVcY^cXdggZXi\gV^cVa^\cbZci


™ Remove foreign objects from the stock. BV`Z hjgZ i]Vi Vcn hidX` ndj egdXZhh l^i] i]Z_d^ciZg$eaVcZg^hXaZVcVcY[gZZd[VcnY^gi! cV^ah!hiVeaZh!i^cngdX`hdgVcndi]Zg[dgZ^\c dW_ZXih! l]^X] ^[ i]Zn ]^i i]Z `c^kZh VcY VgZ YgVlc ^cid i]Z Yjhi XdaaZXidg! bVn XVjhZ V [^gZ ]VoVgY# I]Z eVgi^XaZh bVn Vahd YVbV\Z i]Z`c^kZh#LddYhiVX`ZYdcVXdcXgZiZ[addg XVc ]VkZ hbVaa e^ZXZh d[ hidcZ dg XdcXgZiZ egZhhZY^cidi]Zhjg[VXZ#

Note:If the grain changes direction along the

edge of the board, decrease the cutting depth



and make additional passes.





With Grain





Against Grain



Figure 28.8dggZXiVcY^cXdggZXi\gV^cVa^\cbZci




Only process natural wood fiber through your jointer/planer. CZkZg _d^ci B9;! eVg" i^XaZWdVgY!eanlddY!aVb^cViZhdgdi]Zghnc" i]Zi^XVaanbVYZbViZg^Vah#

Make sure all stock is sufficiently dried before jointing or planing. LddY l^i] V bd^hijgZXdciZcidkZg'%l^aaXVjhZjccZX" ZhhVgn lZVg dc i]Z `c^kZh VcY eddg Xjii^c\ gZhjaih#:mXZhhbd^hijgZXVcVahd]VhiZcgjhi VcYXdggdh^dc#

Scrape all glue off of boards before plan- ing.

Keep your work area clear.



Page 26
Image 26
Grizzly G0675 owner manual Stock Inspection and Requirements, With Grain, Against Grain