8. 6iiVX]i]Zldg`hidegdYWnha^Y^c\^i^cidi]Z ]daZ^ci]Zh^YZd[i]Zk^hZWVhZVcYjh^c\i]Z hZi hXgZl id hZXjgZ ^i ^c eaVXZ! Vh h]dlc ^c Figure 17#




Figure 17.Ldg`hidegdY#

9. Ha^YZ i]Z ldg` hide dcid i]Z ldg` hide gdY VcY hZXjgZ ^i Wn i^\]iZc^c\ i]Z ]Zm Wdai Figure 18#



Figure 18.Ldg`hidehZXjgZY#


Test Run

DcXZ i]Z VhhZbWan ^h XdbeaZiZ! iZhi gjc ndjg bVX]^cZidbV`ZhjgZ^igjchegdeZgan#

>[! Yjg^c\ i]Z iZhi gjc! ndj XVccdi ZVh^an adXViZ i]ZhdjgXZd[VcjcjhjVacd^hZdgk^WgVi^dc!hide jh^c\ i]Z bVX]^cZ ^bbZY^ViZan! i]Zc gZk^Zl i]Z TroubleshootingdcPage 32#>[ndjhi^aaXVccdi gZbZYn V egdWaZb! XdciVXi djg IZX] Hjeedgi Vi *,%*)+".++([dgVhh^hiVcXZ#

To test run the machine:

1. BV`ZhjgZndj]VkZgZVYi]ZhV[Zin^chigjX" i^dchVii]ZWZ\^cc^c\d[i]ZbVcjVaVcYi]Vi i]ZbVX]^cZ^hhZijeegdeZgan#

2. KZg^[n i]Vi i]ZgZ ^h d^a ^c i]Z \ZVgWdm Wn X]ZX`^c\i]Zh^\]i\aVhh#

 >[ d^a ^h hZZc ^c i]Z h^\]i\aVhh! cd [jgi]Zg VXi^dc^hgZfj^gZY#8dci^cjZidStep 3#

>[cdd^a^hhZZc^ci]Zh^\]i\aVhh!hZZ Gearbox Oil dc Page 31#

3. BV`ZhjgZVaaiddahVcYdW_ZXihjhZYYjg^c\



4. A^[ii]ZgZYhideWjiidcVcYegZhhi]Z\gZZc Wjiidc id ijgc i]Z bVX]^cZ ON# BdkZ i]Z ]^\]$adl heZZY hl^iX] id i]Z ]^\] edh^i^dc! i]ZcegZhhi]Zig^\\Zghl^iX]dci]Z]VcYaZ#

5. A^hiZc id VcY lViX] [dg VWcdgbVa cd^hZh dg VXi^dch# I]Z bVX]^cZ h]djaY gjc hbddi]an l^i]a^iiaZdgcdk^WgVi^dcdggjWW^c\cd^hZh#

HigVc\ZdgjcjhjVacd^hZhbjhiWZ^ckZh" i^\ViZYVcYXdggZXiZYWZ[dgZdeZgVi^c\i]Z bVX]^cZ [jgi]Zg# 6alVnh Y^hXdccZXi i]Z bVX]^cZ[gdbedlZgl]Zc^ckZhi^\Vi^c\dg XdggZXi^c\ediZci^VaegdWaZbh#

6. KZg^[n i]Vi i]Z bdidg ^h ijgc^c\ i]Z XdggZXi Y^gZXi^dc#I]ZWaVYZh]djaYgdiViZhdi]Vii]Z [gdciedgi^dcd[i]ZWaVYZbdkZhYdlclVgY#

>[i]ZWaVYZYdZhcdiijgci]ZXdggZXiY^gZX" i^dc!hidei]ZbVX]^cZ!h]jid[[i]ZedlZg hdjgXZ! i]Zc hlVe Vcn ild d[ i]Z i]gZZ edlZgl^gZhi]ViXdccZXiidi]ZbVX]^cZ#

7. Ijgci]ZbVX]^cZOFF#


Page 18
Image 18
Grizzly G0682 Test Run, HZiHXgZl Ldg`HideGdY KhZ7VhZ, To test run the machine,  IjgciZbVXcZOFF# +-&8daY8jiHVl

G0682 specifications

The Grizzly G0682 is a powerful and versatile wood lathe designed for both novice and experienced woodworkers. It is known for its robust construction, offering exceptional stability and performance during various turning tasks. With a 12-inch swing over the bed and a 36-inch bed length, it accommodates a wide range of projects, from small spindle work to larger bowls and pens.

One of the standout features of the Grizzly G0682 is its 1 HP motor, which provides ample power for smooth and efficient operation. This heavy-duty motor ensures the lathe can handle hard and soft woods alike, delivering consistent results without the risk of stalling. Additionally, the variable speed control is another highlight, allowing users to easily adjust the RPM from 600 to 3,600. This feature provides flexibility for different types of turning projects, from coarse shaping to fine finishing.

The lathe's sturdy cast iron construction minimizes vibrations, contributing to smoother operation and better overall results. Its bed features precision-ground ways that enhance the accuracy of cuts, while the tailstock and headstock align perfectly for superior performance. A built-in indexing system also allows woodworkers to create intricate patterns and designs, expanding the creative possibilities of the lathe.

Safety is a priority with the Grizzly G0682, which includes safety features such as a safety switch and a sturdy guard over the motor. The ability to lock the spindle adds an extra layer of security during tool changes. Furthermore, the lathe comes equipped with a 4-step pulley system, which provides additional torque for larger workpieces and greater control during woodturning.

User-friendly design elements, such as a quick-release tailstock handle and easy-to-read RPM indicators, make the Grizzly G0682 an accessible option for users at all experience levels. The accessory compatibility allows for various attachments, providing additional versatility for different turning tasks.

Overall, the Grizzly G0682 stands out as a reliable choice for woodworkers seeking quality, precision, and durability in their turning projects. Its combination of power, safety features, and user-friendly design makes it an excellent addition to any workshop, ensuring that users can achieve their creative visions effectively.