"'-" <%+.%$<%+.&8VW^cZiIVWaZHVll$G^k^c\@c^[Z
Figure 35.9jhi]dhZViiVX]ZYidYjhiedgi#
Dust Collection
DO NOT operate the Model G0690 or G0691
without an adequate dust collection system.
This saw creates substantial amounts of
wood dust while operating. Failure to use a
dust collection system can result in short
and long-term respiratory illness.
Recommended CFM at Dust Port: 400 CFM
Do not confuse this CFM recommendation with
the rating of the dust collector. To determine the
CFM at the dust port, you must consider these
variables: (1) CFM rating of the dust collector,
(2) hose type and length between the dust col-
lector and the machine, (3) number of branches
or wyes, and (4) amount of other open lines
throughout the system. Explaining how to cal-
culate these variables is beyond the scope of
this manual. Consult an expert or purchase a
good dust collection "how-to" book.
To connect a dust collection hose:
1. ;^i V ) Yjhi ]dhZ dkZg i]Z Yjhi edgi! Vh
h]dlc ^c Figure 35! VcY i^\]ian hZXjgZ ^c
2. Ij\i]Z]dhZidbV`Z hjgZ^iYdZhcdiXdbZ
d[[#Note: A tight fit is necessary for proper
Components and Hardware Needed: Qty
5. Ijgci]ZbVX]^cZOFF#
6. >chZgi i]Z hl^iX] Y^hVWa^c\ e^c i]gdj\] i]Z
\gZZcDCWjiidc!Vhh]dlc^cFigure 36#
Tes t Ru n
DcXZ i]Z VhhZbWan ^h XdbeaZiZ! iZhi gjc ndjg
bVX]^cZ id bV`Z hjgZ ^i gjch egdeZgan VcY ^h
I]ZiZhi gjc Xdch^hih d[ kZg^[n^c\ i]Z [daadl^c\/
&I]Zbdidg edlZghje VcYgjch XdggZXian!VcY
'i]ZhV[Zin Y^hVWa^c\bZX]Vc^hb dci]Zhl^iX]
>[!Yjg^c\ i]Z iZhi gjc! ndj XVccdi ZVh^an adXViZ
i]ZhdjgXZd[ VcjcjhjVacd^hZ dgk^WgVi^dc!hide
jh^c\ i]Z bVX]^cZ ^bbZY^ViZan! i]Zc gZk^Zl
TroubleshootingdcPage 51#
>[ndjhi^aa XVccdigZbZYnV egdWaZb!XdciVXidjg
To test run the machine:
1. BV`ZhjgZndj]VkZ gZVYi]ZhV[Zin ^chigjX"
i^dchVii]ZWZ\^cc^c\d[i]ZbVcjVaVcY i]Vi
2. BV`ZhjgZVaa iddahVcY dW_ZXihjhZY Yjg^c\
3. 8dccZXii]ZbVX]^cZidi]ZedlZghdjgXZ#
4. KZg^[ni]Vii]ZbVX]^cZ^hdeZgVi^c\ XdggZXian
·L]Zc deZgVi^c\ XdggZXian! i]Z bVX]^cZ
gjchhbddi]an l^i]a^iiaZ dgcdk^WgVi^dc dg
·>ckZhi^\ViZVcYXdggZXihigVc\Zdg jcjhjVa
cd^hZhdg k^WgVi^dch WZ[dgZ deZgVi^c\ i]Z
bVX]^cZ [jgi]Zg# 6alVnh Y^hXdccZXi i]Z
bVX]^cZ[gdbedlZgl]Zc^ckZhi^\Vi^c\ dg