Riving Knife

I]Z g^k^c\ `c^[Z Figure 46 ldg`h ^c i]Z hVbZ bVccZg Vh i]Z WaVYZ hea^iiZg dc i]Z WaVYZ \jVgY VhhZbWan# >i ^h V bZiVa eaViZ i]Vi egZkZcih i]Z cZlan Xji ldg`e^ZXZ [gdb e^cX]^c\ i]Z WVX`h^YZ d[i]ZWaVYZVcYXVjh^c\`^X`WVX`#

In order to work properly, the riving knife cannot be bent or misaligned with the blade. If the riving knife gets accidentally bent, take the time to straighten it or just replace it. Using a bent or misaligned riving knife will increase the risk of kickback!


Figure 46.>aajhigVi^dcd[Vine^XVag^k^c\`c^[Z#

I]Z `Zn Y^[[ZgZcXZ WZilZZc i]Z WaVYZ hea^iiZg VcYi]Zg^k^c\`c^[Z^hi]Vii]Zg^k^c\`c^[Zbdjcih WZadl i]Z WaVYZh ]^\]Zhi ed^ci d[ gdiVi^dc! Vh h]dlc^cFigure 47#

B^c^bjb&bb =Z^\]i9^[[ZgZcXZ



Figure 47.=Z^\]iY^[[ZgZcXZWZilZZcg^k^c\`c^[Z


I]Z]Z^\]iY^[[ZgZcXZWZilZZci]Zg^k^c\`c^[ZVcY i]Z WaVYZ Vaadlh i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ id eVhh dkZg i]Z WaVYZYjg^c\cdc"i]gdj\]Xjihi]dhZ^cl]^X]i]Z WaVYZYdZhcdiXjiVaai]ZlVni]gdj\]i]Zi]^X`" cZhhd[i]Zldg`e^ZXZ#

I]Zg^k^c\`c^[ZVahdVXihVhVWVgg^ZgWZ]^cYi]Z WaVYZidgZYjXZi]Zg^h`d[]VcYhWZ^c\ejaaZY^cid i]ZWaVYZ^[V`^X`WVX`dXXjgh#


Some thin-kerf blades may be thinner than the thickness of the riving knife. DO NOT install these blades on the saw, because the workpiece will hit the riving knife dur- ing operation, possibly causing kickback. Always make sure the kerf of a blade you install is not thinner than the riving knife.

When to Use the Riving Knife

JhZi]Zg^k^c\`c^[Z[dgVaacdc"i]gdj\]XjihbVYZ l^i] V hiVcYVgY iVWaZ hVl WaVYZ ^#Z#! YVYdZh dg gVWWZiXjih^cl]^X]VYVYdWaVYZ^hCDIjhZY! VcYl]Zcjh^c\ViZcdc^c\_^\#

6ahd!jhZi]Zg^k^c\`c^[Z[dgi]dhZheZX^VadeZgV" i^dch l]ZgZ i]Z WaVYZ \jVgY dg ^ih XdbedcZcih \Zi^ci]ZlVnd[hV[ZdeZgVi^dc!hjX]Vhl^i]kZgn cVggdlXjih#

When Not to Use the Riving Knife

I]Z g^k^c\ `c^[Z 86CCDI WZ jhZY l^i] V YVYd WaVYZ# Di]Zgl^hZ! i]Z g^k^c\ `c^[Z ]Z^\]i l^aa ZmXZZYi]ZWaVYZ]Z^\]iVcYi]Zldg`e^ZXZl^aa]^i i]Zg^k^c\`c^[ZYjg^c\i]ZXji![dgX^c\i]ZdeZgV" idg^cidVYVc\Zgdjhh^ijVi^dcd[ign^c\idijgci]Z hVld[[l^i]i]Zldg`e^ZXZhijX`]Va[lVni]gdj\] i]ZXji#

>cVYY^i^dc!Vai]dj\]^i^hedhh^WaZidjhZi]Zg^k" ^c\`c^[Z[dgi]gdj\]Xjii^c\deZgVi^dch!i]ZWaVYZ \jVgY VhhZbWan d[[Zgh [Vg bdgZ ^c_jgn egdiZXi^dc VcYg^h`gZYjXi^dci]Vci]Zg^k^c\`c^[Z#I]ZgZ[dgZ! we strongly recommendi]VindjjhZi]ZWaVYZ \jVgY VhhZbWan ^chiZVY d[ i]Z g^k^c\ `c^[Z [dg i]ZhZineZhd[Xjih#



Page 36
Image 36
Grizzly G0690 When to Use the Riving Knife, When Not to Use the Riving Knife, Gkc\@cZ, Bcbjb&bb =Z\i9ZgZcXZ