Voltage Conversion
I]^h hZXi^dc h]dlh ]dl id XdckZgi i]Z BdYZa <%,&*E[gdb''%Kid&&%K#I]Zeaj\cZZYZY[dg i]^h XdckZgh^dc XVc WZ ejgX]VhZY Vi Vcn adXVa ]VgYlVgZhidgZdgZaZXig^XVahjeeanhidgZ#I]ZX^g" Xj^iWgZV`ZgbjhiWZejgX]VhZY[gdb<g^ooan#
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This manual was current at the time of print- ing; however, if the wiring diagram provided on the inside cover of the motor junction box conflicts with this manual, always use that wiring diagram instead, as it will accu- rately reflect any changes that may have occurred after printing.
Converting G0715P to 110V
1. 9>H8DCC:8IH6L;GDBEDL:G | ||
2. 8ji d[[ i]Z egZ"^chiVaaZY +"'% eaj\ [gdb i]Z | ||
| ZcYd[i]ZedlZgXdgY# |
3. | DeZci]Zbdidg_jcXi^dcWdm!i]ZcaddhZci]Z | |
| hXgZlh^cY^XViZY^cFigure 4# |
| BdidgEgZl^gZY |
| [dg''%K |
| AddhZc |
| I]ZhZ |
| HXgZlh |
cY |
| <gdjcY |
| 8ZciZg |
| ?jbeZgh |
| Figure 4.AdXVi^dcd[hXgZlhidWZaddhZcZY# |
4. GZbdkZ i]Z ild XZciZg _jbeZgh i]Zn VgZ | |
hiVX`ZYid\Zi]Zg!gZedh^i^dci]ZbVhh]dlc | |
^cFigure5!i]Zci^\]iZci]Z[djghXgZlhaddh" | |
ZcZY^cStep 2# |
BdidgGZl^gZY | BdidgEgZ |
[dg&&%K | [dg''%K |


Figure 5.GZadXViZY_jbeZgh#
5. 8adhZVcYhZXjgZi]Zbdidg_jcXi^dcWdm#
6. GZbdkZ i]Z hiVgi$hide hl^iX] Wdm [gdb i]Z hl^iX]bdjci^c\eaViZ#
7. GZeaVXZ i]Z egZ"^chiVaaZY &% Vbe X^gXj^i WgZV`ZghZZFigure 6l^i]V'%VbeX^gXj^i WgZV`ZgeVgiE%,&*E'%)"&!i]ZcgZ"^chiVaa i]ZhiVgi$hidehl^iX]#
8^gXj^i |
7gZV`Zg |
Figure 6.AdXVi^dcd[X^gXj^iWgZV`Zg# |
8. >chiVaa V *"'% eaj\ dc i]Z ZcY d[ i]Z XdgY! VXXdgY^c\ id i]Z ^chigjXi^dch VcY l^g^c\ Y^V" \gVbhegdk^YZYWni]Zeaj\bVcj[VXijgZg#
>[ i]Z eaj\ bVcj[VXijgZg Y^Y cdi ^cXajYZ ^chigjXi^dch!i]Zl^g^c\d[V\ZcZg^XC:B6 *"'% eaj\ ^h ^aajhigViZY ^c i]Z Wiring hZX" i^dc!hiVgi^c\dcPage 72#