4. Gdji V
7. BVg`V)a^cZi]gdj\]i]ZXZciZgd[i]ZXdjc" iZghjc`]daZ^ci]ZXZciZg!i]ZcjhZV_^\hVl l^i]VcVggdlWaVYZidXji^idji#
8. 6hhZbWaZ i]Z b^iZg WVg VcY [ZVi]ZgWdVgY l^i] V &¿)"'% m [aVi ]ZVY hXgZl! [aVi lVh]Zg! VcY V l^c\ cji dg V hiVg `cdW hZZ Figure 82# 8dc\gVijaVi^dch Ndjg [ZVi]ZgWdVgY ^h XdbeaZiZ#
Figure 80.HadigdjiZY^c[ZVi]ZgWdVgY#
5. 8jiVb^iZgWVgi]Vil^aa[^i^ci]ZiVWaZb^iZg hadi Veegdm^bViZan * adc\! Vh h]dlc ^c Figure 81#
Tip: Consider making the miter bar longer for | |
| larger |
;aViLVh]Zg ;ZVi]ZgWdVgY
length of the total |
the force applied to the featherboard during |
use. |
IdeK^Zl H^YZK^Zl

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Figure 81.B^iZgWVgeViiZgc#
6. 9g^aaV&¿)]daZ^ci]ZXZciZgd[i]ZWVg!i]Zc XdjciZgh^c`i]ZWdiidbid[^iV&¿)"'%[aVi]ZVY hXgZl#
Figure 82.6hhZbWa^c\b^iZghadi[ZVi]ZgWdVgY
Note:The routed slot, countersink hole, and the flat head screw are essential for the miter bar to clamp into the miter slot. When the wing nut is tightened, it will draw the flat head screw upward into the countersunk hole. This will spread the sides of the miter bar and force them into the walls of the miter slot, locking the featherboard in place.
Tip:The length of the flat head screw depends on the thickness of the
Cdl!egdXZZYidMounting Featherboard in Miter SlotdcPage 53#