4. H]V`Z i]Z Vajb^cjb h]Vk^c\h dji d[ i]Z [ZcXZ#
5. EaVXZ V i]^c bZiVa h]^b hjX] Vh V gjaZg WZilZZci]ZiVWaZVcYi]ZWdiidbd[i]ZVjm" ^a^Vgn[ZcXZWdVgY!hdi]Z[ZcXZl^aacdiXViX] dci]ZiVWaZl]ZcbdkZY#
6. EaVXZVhXgVeWdVgYVY_VXZciidi]ZVjm^a^Vgn [ZcXZidgZYjXZiZVgdji!i]ZcXaVbei]ZhXgVe WdVgYVcYVjm^a^Vgn[ZcXZdcidi]Z[ZcXZ!Vh h]dlc^cFigure 76#
6jm^a^Vgn;ZcXZ |
HXgVe7dVgY |
Figure 76.HXgVeWdVgYVcYVjm^aVgn[ZcXZ |
XaVbeZYid[ZcXZidgZYjXZiZVgdji# |
7. Jh^c\ i]Z (¿&+ W^i! Yg^aa i]gdj\] i]Z ]daZh ^c i]Z[ZcXZ^cidi]ZVjm^a^Vgn[ZcXZWdVgY!i]Zc gZbdkZi]ZXaVbeh!hXgVeWdVgYVcYVjm^a^Vgn [ZcXZ#
8. JhZV(¿)[dghicZgW^iidXdjciZgh^c`i]Zi]gZZ ]daZh ^c i]Z Vjm^a^Vgn [ZcXZ &¿&+ YZZe hd i]Z iZZcjihl^aaWZ[ajh]l^i]i]ZVjm^a^Vgn[ZcXZ" [VXZ^cStep 10#
9. 8aVbei]ZhXgVeWdVgYidi]ZVjm^a^Vgn[ZcXZ! i]ZcjhZV&¿)Yg^aaW^iidYg^aa^cidi]ZVjm^a^Vgn [ZcXZ[dgi]Zh]V[id[i]ZiZZcjih#
10.Jh^c\ V bVaaZi! iVeZVX] iZZ cji^cid dcZ d[ i]Z]daZh^ci]ZVjm^a^Vgn[ZcXZ#
11. >chZgi V [aVi ]ZVY hXgZl i]gdj\] ZVX] ]daZ ^c i]Z [ZcXZ! i]Zc i]gZVY i]Zb ^cid i]Z iZZ cjih#I]ZZcYgZhjaih]djaYVeeZVgh^b^aVgid Figure 73 dcPage 48#
12. Ha^YZV[aVie^ZXZd[lddYVXgdhhi]ZVjm^a^Vgn
Resawing Operations
I]ZiVWaZhVlbdidg^hejh]ZYid^iha^b^ihl]Zc gZhVl^c\# >[ i]Z bdidg hiVgih id Wd\ Ydlc! hadl Ydlcndjg[ZZYgViZ#BdidgdkZgadVY^c\VcYWaVYZ lZVg XVc WZ gZYjXZY Wn jh^c\ V g^ee^c\ WaVYZ# G^ee^c\WaVYZhVgZYZh^\cZYidXaZVgi]ZhVlYjhi fj^X`an#
Components Needed for Resawing: OZgd"XaZVgVcXZ>chZgi#########################################&
You may experience kickback during this procedure. Stand to the side of the blade and wear a full face shield to prevent injury when resawing.
To perform resawing operations:
2. GZbdkZ i]Z hiVcYVgY iVWaZ ^chZgi VcY i]Z WaVYZ\jVgYVhhZbWan#
3. >chiVaaVg^ee^c\WaVYZ!^chiVaai]Zg^k^c\`c^[Z! adlZg i]Z WaVYZ WZadl i]Z iVWaZ! i]Zc ^chiVaa i]Z^cXajYZYoZgdXaZVgVcXZiVWaZ^chZgi#
9dcdijhZi]Z^cXajYZY^chZgi^[^i]Vhadhii]Z oZgd XaZVgVcXZ [ZVijgZ Wn bdY^[^XVi^dc0 ^[ hd
4. 6iiVX] i]Z Vjm^a^Vgn [ZcXZ VcY hZi ^i id i]Z YZh^gZYl^Yi]#
Note: When figuring out the correct width, don't forget to account for blade kerf and the inaccuracy of the fence scale while the auxiliary fence is installed.